Today we discovered seven gigantic spider webs in front of the house, stretched at various points between the magnolia and two mossy oak trees that grow on the right side of the front walk. The more remarkable thing is the amazing, symmetrical nature of these webs -- they're more intricate than any I've ever seen and I've seen lots -- and the size of these spiders. These buggers are pale yellow and absolutely tiny. I'm incredibly fond of them, particularly since a couple seem to have caught some of the nasty yellow jacket wasps that have been buzzing around my
bougainvillea. It's been awfully difficult to water it without inciting their tempers.
Thus is my existence, lately. I've been drinking a lot of tea, watering a lot of plants, and frequenting the forums over at for tips. A trip to Smith & Hawkins (we're rather rural, it really is a trip) included the purchase of one pale yellow
Phalaenopsis orchid and a nice little ground cover that sprouts orange berries, called a
New Zealand pincushion plant. It would seem that I really only write about gardening, lately. It would also seem that my life just isn't any more interesting or eventful than that, lately.