I'm going to Disneyla-and!

Sep 29, 2012 06:41

Taking Mimi to Disneyland, by herself today. She earned it by getting a "pink" report at school every day in September (School terrorist threat level color chart equivalent to green). i have to admit, when I made the proposal, I didn't think she could do it.

I also didn't know 1) the teacher gives them a chance to get "back" to pink everyday if they've had a behavioral infraction, which Mimi admits occurs quite often, and 2) there were three no-school days in September.

A deal is a deal, nonetheless, and I'm proud of her and I think she's calmed down a lot. We've tried hard to focus on making her feel loved and secure, and I think it helps.

It's just too bad that she developed a cold yesterday - I think DL is going to suck and that she would rather lie around on the sofa with Frank, who has a fever and has been hurling for 24 hours at this point. I think she feels crappy. I also anticipate it will affect her behavior.

Looking forward to some time alone with her, though. I don't know if I mentioned Cory is working another job that takes him away from home one evening a week, and I have been putting in many, many more hours at the office than were contemplated when I took this job. I had 2 12-hour days last week, at least.

It's all a difficult balance, and we feel rushed with the kids. I feel like I am always telling them, "No, sorry, I can't. I have to go to work."

Molly is just growing up way too fucking fast. It's shocking how long she is. Where Mommy? Wuck? (work) Where Daddy? Wuck?

She is alwys asking for "cheeps". (she loves potato chips). She calls Frank "Mock". She is still nursing, going on 19 months. She is getting less skinny-looking, but she is definitely a scrappy kid.

I am tired. I have been getting up at 5 or so to walk off some of the 20 pounds I've gained. Many nights the kids (or some fraction thereof) are still up at 9pm. Cory does *everything*, I swear.

My little puker is up so I have to run.
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