(no subject)

Dec 01, 2004 20:35


So I started off today watching the Today show (ya, well I missed the begining of first period so that I could get a ride to school. I know, it's tough being me, and you guys only ever see the glamour). And it is Tom Brokaw's (sp?)last night tonight before he retires so they were interviewing him and at the end they had his crew come up and they all toasted him with champagne and read e-mails from fans and he was choking back tears and it was just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Then Laurel stole my english topic...twice

I was repeatedly told today I act like a child/toddler. First when I blatanly missed the extra credit free throws in math (long story). It was closer to the floor then the hoop, and everyone seemed to think that was hilarious. Then in art history I started turning our test answers into wierd noises, I don't know why I just felt like it then people started staring so I stared back and then it got awkward, so Sarah, Laurie and I left because they couldn't respect me. Then after school laurel gave me a rice crispy treat and I tried to steal another one and I made snapping motions at her hand when she tried to take it back and she became all huffy about it. So that's my story.

Then after school I watched Oprah, which was about real life heroes, and there was this woman who's x-husband came into her highschool classroom to stab her and three students protected her. And then during the police interrogation he said he never wanted to hurt her but once the police left the camera was still rolling and he said "I should have fucking killed her, I should have fucking slit her throat". So that was fun

Then I had jazz

Then I came home and showered and sang Oh Sweet Child of Mine over and over again. And then I ate food. I plan to watch west wing and law and order tonight. I heart wednesdays.

OH and I forgot to say, I got honey in my hair in art history. It was traumatic.
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