Where the Lines begin to Blur - 7

Jul 20, 2008 12:14

Title: Where the Lines begin to Blur
Part: 7/?
Chapter Links: Links to all the Chapters
Author: tia_maria_616 & sweetchild85

Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG - NC-17, depending on the chapter

Summary: A troublemaker and a teacher with a past meet outside of lessons for some private tutoring, but it soon becomes apparent that their subject is changing from maths to chemistry. How long can their learning last before the experiment bubbles over and someone gets burnt?

Disclaimer: Persons are a law unto themselves and sadly we cannot claim ownership rights.
Warning: Age-difference, teacher/student - relationship
A/N: This was basically started as an RP and just edited now to post it up as a story to share the fun with you. So hold on to your hats and fasten your seat-belts, this is just the beginning.

Bam was thankful that the lighting wasn't so bright in the room, he was sure he blushed a little, but shrugged all the same, "Well, I... twice the, uh... the full thing, but I know what I'm getting myself into, if that's what you mean." He smiled a little, ducking his head slightly despite how he tried to be unfazed.

Ville gently ran a hand through Bam's hair, tugged some behind his ear and nodded a bit. "I just needed to know." He smiled softly; still having some questions, but didn't really want to ask too much right then. "If you want to know something... Just ask."

"I usually do." Bam joked, leaning down for Ville's lips again. The only thing he would ask Ville would mean asking about his own experiences, and he didn't think he really wanted to know.

"Okay." Ville whispered and kissed back, gently licking over Bam's lips and wanting to be let in. His arms wrapped around Bam’s back, pulling him tight against his own body and rocking his hips up a bit.

Opening his mouth for Ville, Bam propped himself up on one forearm next to Ville’s head, his other hand gently holding the side of Ville's face as he kissed back a little more forcefully.

Ville kissed back with the same force now, liking that Bam seemed to take what he wanted. He spread his legs a bit to let Bam lay between them, bending one at the knee and running his foot along Bam’s leg.

Bam moaned into Ville's mouth as he shifted, rubbing against the teacher and sliding his hand up into Ville's hair, pulling a little as he clenched his fist.

Ville broke the kiss as he moved his head back a bit and arched his back. "You feel so good." He moaned, wanting to do so much to the other, but not wanting to force him, after all he was the oldest and the one with more experience.

Moving down to plant open-mouthed kisses along Ville's jaw, down to his neck, Bam could tell the teacher was trying to keep himself under control, though he didn't know why. "You don't have to... hold back, you know?" He whispered, nipping at the fast pulse in Ville's neck.

"Don't wanna push you...“ Ville said and ran his hands up Bam's back again. "I really want to... To be with you, but you decide how far we're going... and what we're doing."

"So if I wanted to…" Bam rocked hard against Ville's groin, "You know?" He raised an eyebrow, looking back up at Ville before shifting down to kiss the centre of his chest.

Ville moaned loudly and bit his lip, nodding and making a soft agreeing sound. "Yeah... If you want..." He licked over his lips, looking down at Bam and just watching him, wondering what he'd do next.

Bam tried to calm himself by breathing in Ville's skin, kissing down to his ribs, one hand smoothing down over his hip as he occasionally peeked back up at the other and smirked.

Ville's lips were parted a bit, his eyes partly shut. He had decided that he'd let do Bam whatever he wanted at that moment, letting him set the pace.

Bam quite liked the way Ville let him do what he wanted, exploring as he felt like it. With a little sense of daring, Bam smoothed his hand over Ville's thigh, parting his legs a little more as he dipped his tongue into Ville’s bellybutton.

As Ville felt Bam's tongue at his bellybutton he shivered and arched. That had always been a sensitive spot on his body and the feeling was getting to him in all the right places. "So good…" He whispered with a soft gasp.

Squeezing Ville's thigh a little, Bam crawled back up to kiss his lips, finally trailing his fingers along to the base of the Ville's erection, wondering how long he would stay there that evening and how far they should go.

Moving one of his legs up to wrap around Bam's so he could push his hips up to be closer to the other he kissed back, running his tongue over Bam's lips.

Deliberately taking his time, Bam slowly traced Ville's length, his kisses the opposite to his finger's work as he bit down on the teacher's lower lip.

"You're such a tease." Ville whispered and leaned up a bit so he could kiss Bam with more passion, his hands moving down the back of Bam's body and resting on his hips.

"I'm a tease?" Bam asked incredulously, breaths coming a little faster. "I don't walk around the apartment half naked." He grinned, giving in to properly stroke Ville, applying a little more pressure.

"My place…” Ville said, making a break only to moan low in his throat as he felt Bam stroke him now. "...if I want to run around half naked I will... If I want to run around naked, I will do that as well." He licked his lips and ran both of his hands over Bam's ass, cupping and giving it a squeeze.

"You want to go and do that now? I wouldn't mind seeing that." He smiled, flicking over the head with a finger as he moaned a kiss into Ville's neck; fitting himself in the place he'd discovered a liking for around Ville's neck and shoulder.

"Now?" Ville asked, "No... That means you'd stop touching me." He said, squeezing his ass again, and then moving a hand to the side of Bam's hip and between his legs, just teasingly touching the place where his leg met his body.

Bam chuckled, "Is that a problem?" His hips instinctively jerked forwards slightly with Ville's touch so he tightened his grip, stroking the teacher faster and just doing the things he liked to do himself.

"Yeah," Ville nodded and shifted a bit so he could reach Bam's cock without any problems. "It would also mean that I need to stop touching you." He let his fingertips trail up the other’s cock from the base to the tip as he was talking.

Eyes falling shut, Bam dropped his head once more into the dip between Ville's neck and shoulder, half kissing the skin as he fought against the need to jerk forward his hips, to get closer to Ville's fingers. However, he couldn't forget the task in hand, as it were.

"So I guess you don't want me to run around naked now... you’d rather keep me in bed." Ville assumed as Bam moved his head down to his shoulder again, his thumb teasing the head of his cock.

"Maybe... later…" Bam said, lifting his head slightly to nip at the bottom of Ville's ear lobe, speeding his hand's pace a little more before letting go, sliding further down between his legs, wondering if Ville really meant that he'd let Bam do whatever he wanted, and whether what they wanted was the same.

"Don't... stop." Ville whispered and had to let go of Bam as he moved down his body. "What do you have in mind?" He asked curiously as he watched the younger one.

Smiling as he looked up at Ville, Bam pressed his lips to a nipple, sucking gently as he grazed his teeth over the flesh.
Deciding just to go for it, Bam slid his hand down Ville's hip, around to his thigh, and back a little until his fingers were in a more intimate place than they'd been before.

Ville licked his lips and looked at Bam, liking where this seemed to be heading, but still having second thoughts about it. "You... Sure about that?" He asked, hesitating a bit.

Shifting his upper body back up to Ville a little, Bam looked at the teacher with the same question in his eyes, though his finger rubbed slightly over Ville's entrance, pressing his hips down against Ville’s.

Ville nodded just slightly as he saw Bam looking at him like that. "Just don't... tell anybody." He whispered and moved his hand up to the back of Bam's head, pulling him down just so he could kiss him again, showing him that he wanted it.

Bam let himself moan into Ville's mouth, realising that the other was agreeing to what he wanted. Wrapping his arm around Ville's waist, Bam rolled slightly more so that he was on his back, pulling Ville along with him. His fingers brushed over the opening once more, teasing the skin slightly.

Ville closed his eyes for a moment as tried to get all the thoughts and voices out of his head that were telling him no. He knew it was wrong, but he wanted and needed it right now. "You feel so good... This... feels so good." He whispered against Bam's lips and stroked his sides softly.

Tilting his head upwards, Bam kissed Ville's lips once again, rubbing the area with more purpose now, "More, Ville?" He wondered, still thinking about how he had managed to get himself in that situation.

Ville closed his eyes and nodded a bit, almost as if he was feeling guilty that he was there, doing that with one of his students. He didn't know how that all happened that soon.

Without any fuss, Bam brought his hand back up, putting one, then two fingers in his mouth and wetting them. "You don't need, like... something more, do you?" He whispered, not sure why he felt as though it was important to be quiet, but he was nevertheless. What he did know though was that the teacher's habits were unknown to him, and he didn't want to go too far and end up hurting him.

Ville looked at Bam and then pointed to the nightstand; he usually used lube when he could. "There... wait." He whispered and moved just a bit to get the lube and condom from the top drawer. He laid the items on the bed beside them and kissed Bam once again.

"I think I’m glad I didn’t finish my pizza now." Bam smirked, before kissing Ville back with more force, taking the lube and using enough for his fingers. He wound his free arm around Ville's waist, hand resting against his lower back as his lubed fingers resumed their place.

Ville looked at Bam a bit confused for a moment, but then just shook his head and moved a bit to make it easier for Bam. It felt so good and it had been a while since he slept with someone, "God...“ He whispered at the feeling and tried to relax.

Bam smoothed his hand up and down Ville's back, not certain why he seemed to want to comfort him, but he enjoyed it anyway. As he pushed his index finger a little more against Ville, Bam couldn't help but take a deep breath when his finger slid in, not too far, but enough to feel the connection.

Ville had his head resting against Bam's shoulder now and breathed deeply but calmly. He arched his back a bit as he felt Bam push into him and moaned softly against the other’s neck, stroking his hair a bit with one hand.

Bam's confidence grew with the response from Ville. Twisting his head to plant a kiss on the top of Ville’s head, he eased his finger nearly completely out again before pushing in deeper. He was glad that he had done this before, and so he knew mostly what had worked best.

Ville arched his back a bit more and pushed his hips against Bam's finger. He placed some soft open-mouthed kisses on Bam's neck and jaw, moaning softly at the feelings Bam caused.

"Fu... Ville," Bam moaned quietly, his finger in as far it would go as Ville pressed back against him. Sliding his free hand up the back of the teacher's neck and into his hair, Bam curled his finger inside Ville, searching for the place he knew would make everything that bit better.

Ville moaned and moved his hips now against Bam's fingers and hips, forgetting for a moment about their roles and just enjoying the pleasure he got out of it. "Go on Bam." He whispered and gently nipped at Bam’s jaw, close to his ear.

With the nip at his ear, Bam squeaked slightly, drawing his finger back before adding the second as he slid in a few times more. Fingers sliding over a slight change in feel, Bam smiled as he found what he'd been looking for, pressing a little harder against Ville's prostate.

Ville cried out and arched as he felt Bam push against his prostate. "Oh, fuck... Bam... God," His eyes closed and he felt a wave of pleasure running over his body.

Needing some way of a release himself, Bam rocked up against Ville, in time with his fingers’ movements as he tried to find the same place with each stroke, a little faster as his own body grew more impatient.

Ville pulled Bam close with a hand to the back of his neck, resting his head on Bam's shoulder and panting softly against his skin. It felt so good and his other hand slowly moved down Bam's back, in-between their bodies again to wrap around Bam’s cock.

Bam tried to speak, but all that came out was a moan, then another as he pushed his fingers a little harder into Ville, the other hand stroking up his back none too gently.

Ville bit his lip to stifle a moan as he felt Bam work his fingers a bit harder and pushed his hips back against him again; leaning up just a bit so he could stroke Bam better, thumb teasing his tip slowly.

"Ville, would...“ Bam tried again, hips rising a little off of the bed at Ville's touch. "I want..." He moaned, talking was far too difficult, and he didn't really know if what he wanted was all that wise.

"You want to...?" Ville moved his head back so he could look at Bam. "... Fuck me?" He asked, a bit breathless from all of their actions. He had slowed the hand that was working on Bam down a bit, but didn't stop stroking him; he looked too good in pleasure.

Bam meant to answer Ville, but his mouth wasn't co-operating, so all he was able to do was moan his agreement, looking up at Ville and thinking he was silly for asking, but he couldn't help himself

Ville knew he shouldn't let this happen, it was wrong, but he was past the point of rational thinking and just acted on lust and desire, since at the end of the day he was still a man. "What are you waiting for then?" He asked, but didn't give Bam the chance to answer as he pressed his lips against Bam’s in a passionate kiss.

It took a few seconds for Bam to catch up with what Ville had said, his fingers still moving in and out of the other, the only thing he could concentrate on. He wanted it to be more than his fingers so badly. "Are you..." Bam whispered, practically against Ville's lips, "... you sure?"

Ville nodded slightly, stopping his movements for just a moment. "We have already crossed a line... it doesn't matter how far we cross it now." He said and rubbed his thumb over the slit on the tip of Bam's cock. "If you want to... now is your chance." He whispered, wanting the other so badly and not wanting to stop what they were doing.

"Ville...“ Bam moaned, drawing his fingers out to grasp Ville's hips, squeezing the flesh slightly as he pulled him closer, but only so far since Ville's hand was still stuck between them.

Ville moved his hand away to rock his hips against Bam's, moaning low in his throat at the feeling. "Guess this is a yes." He whispered and then moved so he was on his knees, reaching over for the condom he got earlier and took it out of the foil around it, looking at Bam's face and wanting to have one more agreement.

"Yes, yes Ville... it's a yes." Bam punctuated in pants, watching Ville with wanting eyes, unable to quite believe he was in this situation, because maths was soon becoming his favourite subject.

Ville smiled softly at Bam and nodded, taking the condom out and putting it on Bam, taking his time with just teasing him a bit because it was just too tempting not to do it. "I want you." He whispered and looked up at Bam, licking slowly over his lips.

Bam's hips raised, Ville's fingers toying with him when he was already too wound up. "Good to hear," He swallowed, watching Ville wet his lips, "Be silly if you say no now." Slowly but surely his mouth was managing to cope with translating his brain, just about.

"What if I would do that now? Say no?" Ville asked, not even thinking about doing that, but he had to ask. He reached for the lube and got some on his hands before taking hold of Bam again; giving him a few more strokes to spread the lube over his cock.

"Just don't." Bam replied, not even wanting to think about it as his hands reached out for Ville, drawing him down so he could kiss him again.

"I won't." Ville whispered against Bam's lips as they kissed again. He moved up a bit and sat on Bam’s lap, right above his cock, pressing his ass just slightly against the tip and teasing the both of them.

Bam bit his lip slightly as he tried not to move, not knowing whether Ville was really ready or how fast to go, so he simply carded his fingers through Ville's hair, holding him close to keep kissing.

Ville pushed his tongue into Bam's mouth, the kiss getting a bit sloppy as he kept moving his hips a bit more, reaching back with one hand to hold Bam’s erection so he could lower himself down onto it.

Still fighting for control over his body, Bam left Ville's lips, tilting his head to reach his jaw, breathing heavily in-between the small kisses he placed upon the skin, feeling Ville start to surround him.

Ville closed his eyes and gasped softly as his ass met Bam's hips, taking a moment to adjust to the feeling before he leaned his head back a bit to look down at Bam with lust-clouded eyes. His hands were now both on Bam's shoulders, stroking his skin a bit.

Bam gazed back up at Ville, a little overwhelmed but still very there, sliding a hand down to Ville's hip, cradling and smoothing subconsciously, waiting for the other to give the go ahead.

Ville looked into Bam's blue eyes, softly squeezing one of his shoulders and then starting to move, slowly at first. He hadn't been with a man for rather a long time now and this just felt amazing.

Bam's eyes fought not to close as Ville created the friction between them, so many different reasons possible in his mind, but he didn't remember this in his last drunken haze being as good.

Moving so he could rest his arms beside Bam's shoulders, Ville leant down again, capturing his lips once more with his own and starting to rock his hips a bit harder on Bam. Not seeing him as one of his students, at that moment he was just a really attractive guy that he shared a bed with.

Bam moaned against Ville's lips, hand at his hip clutching harder. He wanted to move too, but held himself back for a little while, concentrating on the feelings Ville was creating instead.

Ville let go of Bam's lips, resting his forehead against the other’s, moaning and panting at the pleasure he felt. His eyes closed on their own as he shifted his hips just a bit and rocked against Bam slightly harder; hitting his prostate he let out a soft cry.

"Fuck, Ville..." Bam half-moaned, giving up on holding back and pulling himself out slightly, only to rock back up, aiming for the same angle Ville had hit before.

Ville sat up a bit more, arching his back as Bam managed to hit his spot again. "God... fuck." He cried out and his pants got heavier.

Tightening his grip on Ville's waist, Bam carried on moving against Ville while his free hand trailed down his chest, tweaking a little at a nipple as he made his way down.

Ville knew from the way Bam was gripping his hip that he would have a slight bruise later, but he didn't care because to be honest he quite liked it, and nobody would see it. "Sooo good…" He said, but it was barely more than a breath.

Bam's finger scratched over Ville's tattoo on his lower stomach, not able to do anything other than moan and pant his agreement, pushing upward with more force, not sure how much longer he could carry on.

Ville shivered as he felt Bam's fingers scratch at his skin and he opened his eyes for a just a moment. "Touch me... please." He whispered and moved his hips with just a bit more force on Bam, feeling that he was slowly getting closer to his orgasm.

Watching Ville's face as he moved, Bam finally slid a finger down Ville's length, fingers finally moving to slowly pump in contrast to his hips, which were speeding up.

Ville licked his lips and moaned as Bam finally had his hand around him again, stroking much too slow for his liking, but he could live with that, for now at least. "God... I'm so... close." He got out and shook his head a bit, wanting to get his hair out of his face.

Letting go of Ville's hip as he realised he was probably holding it a little too hard, Bam reached up to smooth back the slightly damp hair from Ville's face, pushing him backward and moving his legs so that he could be on top and find a better angle.

"God Bam," Ville moaned and wrapped his legs around the other’s waist. "This is so good." He moved his hands up to place them on Bam’s back, digging his nails into his skin.

Bam gasped at the sharp feeling on his back, mumbling unintelligibly as he jerked his hips harder against Ville. Dropping his head onto Ville's shoulder, he forgot about anything other than what he was doing and feeling, one hand reaching back down to grasp and stroke Ville again, not wanting to be the first lose it.

"Yes... right there." Ville moaned as his whole body tensed and his ass tightened around Bam. "Fuck... Bam." He cried out as a shiver ran over his body and he came on Bam's hand and stomach, jerking from the pleasure.

Watching Ville, his eyes widened, "Ville, fuck... you...“ Bam moaned before he could finish, letting go and rocking into Ville faster with relief as the other clenched around him, his teeth digging into Ville's shoulder as he came, trying to stop the loud noises forming in his throat.

Ville gasped as Bam bit his shoulder; he loved that and rested his head back on the bed, trying to get his breathing back to normal. Slowly he let his legs fall back on the bed as Bam came too.

Bam didn't want to pull out as he finally stopped moving, still buzzing and panting hard. He slid out all the same though, carefully lying down next to Ville, one hand smoothing over his stomach absently.

Ville turned his head a bit to the side and looked at Bam with a soft, satisfied smile on his face and half closed eyes. He was exhausted for the moment and perfectly happy. "Glad you came." He meant that he was glad Bam came home after school with him, but he knew how it probably sounded saying it right at that moment.

Bam laughed with a slight catch to his breath still, "Sure, s'what I aimed for." He would have grinned but it took too much effort, so he simply smiled back at Ville, watching the new expression on his face.

Ville shook his head a bit and laughed, resting one arm over Bam's chest and closing his eyes. "I'm exhausted... you wore me out." He chuckled and took a deep breath, enjoying just being close to the other for the moment.

"Old man," Bam teased, reaching a hand up to trace along the side of Ville's face, wanting to kiss the slight sheen on it. "No sleeping though."

"Why not? I am old... just like you said." Ville said and leaned a bit into Bam’s touch. "But I just want to rest a bit. I won't sleep; I need to spend the time I'm with you wisely."

"Too right, you do." Bam agreed in mock-seriousness, pulling his head up slightly so that he could kiss Ville's cheekbone, trying to taste the skin, but not too obviously.

Ville sighed contently and kept his eyes closed, the hand on Bam's chest moving over it softly. "You know I really like this... spending my time with you and having these nice... quiet moments. It's really great."

"Mmm," Bam sounded, kissing his way slowly down the side of the Ville's face, though tired, it seemed he couldn't stop. "It's not often quiet for me." He replied truthfully, but not really wanting to think of his family or friends.

"You seem like that in school, yes." Ville said and made a soft purring sound at the soft kisses. "But the way you are here now... it's so different and I like that side of you a lot."

"Well, maybe it’s because I don't wanna be a brat with you." Bam pulled back briefly to look at Ville, before leaning back in to plant a kiss on his lips.

"And why did you decide to be nice to me?" Ville asked, kinda knowing the answer already, but he still wanted to hear it from Bam.

"Umm, well I guess..." Bam trailed off, not really certain what to say, "I guess you’re just more mature than the people I hang around with, it's a different fun, all this math." He smiled, leaning slightly on Ville as he bent his head to trail kisses down Ville's neck.

"Well... yeah, I am more mature, because I am a bit older than you and your friends are." Ville laughed softly and nodded. "I'm glad you enjoy your extra lessons, even though we're not doing what we should do."

"No shit, Sherlock." Bam teased, biting slightly at the bottom of Ville's ear. "And now you see why I don't get my homework done." He added, licking over the area he had bitten before.

Ville moaned softly at the bite. "And you blame that now on me?" He asked and looked over at Bam. "If you won't do your homework... then maybe I should make you do it first, before I invite you to join me in my bed." A small idea was forming in his head as he said that.

Bam pulled back to look properly at the other. "You've gotta be kidding me, I won't be able to concentrate!" He retorted, knowing already that such a thing would be torture for him.

"You know that you need to do your homework." Ville said, now sounding more like the teacher he was. "You know it's important and I promise that you get a nice treat if you're good."

"Suddenly I don't like you so much anymore." Bam sighed, eyes squinting at the thought of having to do work; only brightening slightly at the idea of afterwards. Slowly Bam moved back a little, his head dropping back down on Ville's pillows.

"I'm still your teacher Bam, no matter what happens between us, as long as you are in school... I'm your teacher." Ville said and started to play with Bam's hair a bit. "You know that it’s for your own good."

"Yeah, yeah…" Bam waved his hand in the air as if batting away the idea altogether, one arm lazily covering over his eyes as he realised he really wasn't going to be able to get away without agreeing.

"I'll stop talking about it for now, but you know that the problem won't just disappear." Ville said and leaned over, kissing Bam gently on the lips and then just looking at him.

Bam's interest re-sparked with Ville's kiss, not sure whether to be nervous or happy under the Ville's gaze. Realising he was cooling rather quickly still naked on the bed, Bam couldn't help the way he shifted closer to Ville, aiming on retaining some of the previous glow.

Ville felt Bam moving closer and wrapped one arm around the other, pulling the blanket over them with his free hand. "I'd like to have you here for the night, but I know it's better if you go home when it's time...“ He whispered, not wanting to think about that.

"Shit, yeah. It'll be time soon, too soon..." Bam shook his head, hating that there was a time-limit to everything, but sliding one hand up to hold the back of Ville's neck, knowing then that he was close as his own eyes briefly shut.

"I don't want you to go..." Ville whispered and closed his eyes as he felt Bam so close, pressing his own lips against the other’s. He really didn't want to let him go, but he knew it was for the best, they already spent way too much time together.

Bam wasn't the sort of person to want to show any real upset, so he tried to hide away any such thoughts, kissing Ville back, slowly but purposefully as he basked in being in such a comfortable situation for the time being.

Ville tried to enjoy the time they had left as best as he could, and kissing Bam was doing it for now. He ran his tongue softly over Bam’s lips and made a soft sound, wanting to tell him so much, but rather keeping it to himself for the moment.

Bam parted his lips slightly, his tongue searching for Ville's but not wanting to speed anything up particularly. Things got too heavy, too fast it always seemed, and he didn't really have the time for it anymore. But then again, he'd already had more than he would have dreamed of earlier that day.

Ville kept the kiss slow, his hands now both holding Bam's face. "It was a really nice day with you today, Bam." He whispered as he pulled just a bit back from the other, looking at his eyes.

"Yeah, it was," Bam paused, wanting to say some sort of a thanks for what they had just done, but unable to think how to put it normally and not sound weird. Instead, Bam's eyes travelled over Ville's face, mapping every detail that he could see, so he'd have something real to imagine when they weren't together.

"Glad to hear that it isn't one sided." Ville said, even though he knew that already before Bam said it. "When do you need to be home?" He asked and pushed some hair out of Bam's face.

Bam turned his head to look at the little alarm clock of Ville's, groaning as he saw the time. "I should probably already be gone." He admitted, but leaned in for one more kiss before he pulled away, starting to think about where his clothes were.

"Then you should probably go," Ville said with a sigh. "Don't wanna be the reason your parents get mad at you." He said and sat up, wrapping one of the blankets around his hips.

With a little smile, Bam grabbed his boxers from the end of the bed, sliding them on as he stood up and wandered around for his jeans and shirt. "I get in enough trouble without adding you into it." He laughed, looking back at the teacher and momentarily blanking out as he watched him, not quite understanding how everything happened between them.

"Are there times you don't get in trouble, Bam?" Ville asked with a raised eyebrow and noticed Bam just looking at him for a moment. "You okay?" His voice sounded soft as he stood up, wrapping the blanket a bit tighter around him, not thinking about getting dressed because he wanted a shower first.

Bam's thoughts cleared a little as Ville moved off of the bed, "Yeah, I'm more than okay." He nodded, pulling his phone from his jeans and checking for any missed calls.

"Okay, good." Ville nodded and pulled Bam close for another kiss. "Get your ass home so the trouble you’ll be in won't get any worse." He laughed softly and playfully slapped Bam’s ass.

Laughing as he pretended to spring away from the other, Bam gave Ville a little wink as he walked out of the bedroom, going over to his school bag and picking it up, thinking of the unopened maths books inside.

"I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school then?" Ville asked and followed Bam, not wanting to let him go without another kiss.

"I guess so," Bam replied, quickly walking over to Ville and reaching out a hand to hold his upper arm slightly, strangely a little hesitant now in the normal living room, and not even on the couch. "Well, I'm not gonna be able to come round after school, but I'll see you in lessons." He admitted, remembering he had to help Ape go food shopping.

"And maybe at lunch break?" Ville asked and looked down at Bam. "We shouldn't meet every day after school, I'm afraid it would be too obvious." He sighed.

"And being together at school isn't as bad?" Bam asked, smirking a little before leaning up to kiss Ville's lips a final time, really needing to go home, but not wanting to go.

"I guess it is even worse, because we can't do what we're doing here... when we're alone, but I don't want to risk it." Ville said and then kissed back, knowing he really had to let Bam go.

"You never know, maybe I'll do some work!" He laughed, pulling away from Ville slowly, "So I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Valo." Bam nodded his head, walking towards the door and opening it with a little sigh.

Ville nodded softly and walked closer to the door. "See you tomorrow, Brandon and be a good boy for me." He winked and pulled Bam once again closer to give him another kiss.

Kissing Ville once more, Bam tried not to give in to staying any longer, pulling away after the short kiss. "Bye, Ville." He held up his hand in a wave goodbye, walking out of the apartment and gathering his bearings once more, though still half-looking at the teacher in his sheets.

Ville waved back and leaned against the wall close to the door, smiling softly as Bam walked away. He sighed as he thought about the whole thing, knowing it should have never even come to flirting, but he couldn't go back anymore.

fics, where the lines begin to blur, bam margera, him, ville valo, stories

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