Where the Lines begin to Blur - 1

Jul 08, 2008 20:17

Title: Where the Lines begin to Blur
Part: 1/?
Chapter Links: Links to all the Chapters
Author: tia_maria_616 & sweetchild85
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG - NC-17, depending on the chapter

Summary: A troublemaker and a teacher with a past meet outside of lessons for some private tutoring, but it soon becomes apparent that their subject is changing from maths to chemistry. How long can their learning last before the experiment bubbles over and someone gets burnt?

Disclaimer: Persons are a law unto themselves and sadly we cannot claim ownership rights.
Warning: Age-difference, teacher/student - relationship
A/N: This was basically started as an RP and just edited now to post it up as a story to share the fun with you. So hold on to your hats and fasten your seat-belts, this is just the beginning.

Ville was sorting through his stuff, packing it up as the class ended and his students made their way out of the classroom to head out for their break. With his things packed he ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he waited for the last students to get out of the room, some of them just always took their time.

Ville leaned back against his desk, arms crossed in front of his chest. He hated waiting for the students; usually you'd think they'd be happy to leave class.
"Could you please leave the room, now? Class is over." He said and kept watching them.

The boy’s visibly sped up, picking up their pace as they headed for the door. Yet amongst the footsteps there was the obvious sound of a barely contained snort of annoyance. A leg hit the desk nearest the window, causing it to bash against the wall as the boys jeered and mocked.

Ville rolled his eyes; he didn't like kids like that at all. "Brandon, would you please stay for a few minutes?" He said to the boy he knew was the leader of their little gang. It wasn't a question; it was more of a command. "And the others are leaving."

The boy, Brandon, rolled his eyes at his friends as they turned to him, slapping him on the back and laughing at the fact that he was the one caught. His hands clasped on the straps of his bag as he made his way over slowly, eyes drifting from the door to his teacher.

Ville still had his arms crossed and tapped his fingers of one hand on his arm. "Why can't you just once behave like any of the others?" He asked, not that he was always behaving like a role model, but at least in school at his job he tried to behave well and be polite.

Watching his teacher’s fingers tapping, Brandon simply shrugged a shoulder, a small grunt signifying his version of an answer. He had made his way to the front of the class and stood leaning on heavily on one foot as he waited, just a metre away from the teacher and his desk.

Ville ran his hand through his hair again and shook his head a bit. "I'd even let the behaviour of you and your friends slip if your grades were good enough, but if you keep doing nothing in school you'll fail." He didn't know why he still tried to get his students to study more; he knew most of them would never even attempt it. "You should consider getting private tutoring."

The boy snorted, "And who's gonna pay for that, huh?" He wasn't from the poorest family in the area, but still his parents weren't the sort to go around paying for the things the rich kids got.

Ville closed his eyes and rubbed over his face with one hand. "I could make you an offer." He thought his idea over, not sure if it would be the best idea, but he still suggested it. "You try to behave at least in my class and I'll teach you after school for free."

"You want me to stay after school?" The boy's eyebrows rose in disbelief, "I'm not staying to do fuck all with you, I've got better things to do."

"We don't need to stay here at school, but would you rather have some more lessons with me, or should I tell the headmaster about how you're behaving so he'll tell your parents and you'll get in trouble?" Ville said with a soft smile on his lips, amused about the reaction of the boy.

"...No, I guess." Bam tilted his head to the side as if just agreeing was a strain. His attention drifted as a group of younger girls walked past the window on their way to the canteen for lunch. "So I'm blackmailed into hanging around with you to do crappy maths?"

"I am not blackmailing you." Ville shook his head a bit from side to side. "Just telling you what will happen. Math isn't that bad, Brandon." He smiled softly at the boy. "When you're getting better grades you don't need to hang around with me anymore. So it's up to you."

"Yeah right, you're the teacher; of course you think maths is good. Some of us just aren't clever enough for it and some of us just don't care." He huffed, trying not to get worked up, but clearly annoyed at the thought of more work. "Anyway, I'm not staying in school, so where do you think you're gonna teach me then?"

Ville sigh deeply and rolled his eyes, shifting a bit. "I'll let you decide. Your place or mine... Or a café," He shrugged softly. "Whichever you prefer."

The boy couldn't help but feel slightly amused at the teacher's suggestion, the whole thing sounded too free for learning anything. "I'm not going to put out on a first date, so I guess it'll have to be a cafe." He smirked, trying to make the situation lighter, but as the words came out he was sure it failed.

"We're not going on a date." Ville raised an eyebrow and looked for a moment longer at the boy. He was attractive in his own way and looked quite rebellious, but he couldn't date one of his students. "We're meeting up to get you better grades for your future life."

"Well no kidding Sir, that was a joke, heard of those before?" He paused realising that he was in fact talking to a teacher, "I mean, I know that Sir. I have to go to lunch before all the foods gone, but after school I'll come back as I have no choice, and I'll let you take me to a café. Since you're the one with more money than me." He shrugged, looking anxiously at the door.

"Go and get your food and be here again in time." Ville said and made a gesture with his hand, dismissing the boy.


As Bam was getting changed from his gym class, the final bell of the day rang, signalling it was time for all normal students to go home. Not him though, he sighed as he picked up his bag from the locker room floor, he was on his way to meet his math teacher for some extra learning. How lucky he was.

Hearing the bell ringing, signalling that the day was over, Ville sorted through his stuff and packed up what he needed at home and for the little extra lesson with one of his students. Having all of it done he sat at his desk and waited for the boy, hoping he would show up.

Bam wandered down the corridors, talking to as many people as he could on the way in the hopes that the teacher might give up and leave without him. However, walking can only be so slow until it is called a stand-still that he ended up in the classroom for the second time that day, only about ten minutes late. With a pitiful sigh, he opened the door; desperate to forget he was going to study.

"Glad you decided to show up." Ville said with a nod as he looked up from his desk to Bam. "You made the right decision. Do you have all your stuff so we can leave and go?" He asked and turned a bit away from the desk, facing the other one.

Bam indicated the bag on his shoulders, "Everything's in there." He shrugged, eyes darting around the room rather than settle on his teacher, "So, uh, where are we going to then?"

Ville nodded and stood up, taking his own bag. "You wanted a cafe rather than staying here. Pick something, probably one that isn't too loud so you can concentrate." He said as he walked closer to the door, taking one final look at the classroom.

Bam walked out of the room in pursuit of his teacher, finding he had to look up slightly at the back of his head, "Well I dunno, I suppose there's Sam's just round the corner?" He suggested, not sure of any preference his teacher might have and not sure why he cared about that other than it was his teacher.

Ville went with Bam to the entrance to get out, walking right at his side. "We can go there." he nodded, liking to teach others more at a private place where it was quieter, but Bam seemed to not like that idea so he just went with it. "Do you have anything you really like in math, where you would like to improve first?"

Bam snorted, "I don't like any part of maths, only thing I can do is symmetry and using a calculator." He smirked to himself as they walked down the road and past the remaining school kids. There was no point in beating around the bush with Mr. Valo, he had seen his grades.

"I had the feeling you would say something like that." Ville sighed and run a hand through his hair. "So I guess we start with the things that will be of particular relevance for the next test."

Bam watched the teacher out of the corner of his eye as they walked. "Great," He mumbled. The new teacher was a strange one, he had all the girls whispering about him, and yet he acted as though he knew nothing of it, it was a very cunning plan of his, Bam thought.

"One day you'll be grateful for that." Ville said as they were walking. "Life exists of more things than friends and a girlfriend, Brandon." He looked at the boy for a moment and then turned his face back to the way they were walking.

Bam walked carefully, feet balancing on the lip of the pavement, "I know that," His foot missed the edge and he quickly hopped up from the road "There's skating, it's ten times more important than friends, and girlfriends don't even come into it."

"So you put skateboarding over everything else?" Ville asked, knowing that Bam liked to skate, because he had often seen him with a skateboard, but he hadn't thought it was that important to him.

Bam shrugged, not entirely sure of the answer himself, "I dunno, it's something to do. S’better than going around beating up little kids or somethin'." He crossed over the road with the teacher as there was a gap in the traffic, the cafe only a few shops down.

Ville agreed with a nod. "That is true, but friends and family are important too, you know." He looked over at the boy again and then held open the door as they were at the cafe.

Bam didn't reply as he took in the cafe, quickly scanning the tables for a free one. As luck would have it or maybe just the time of day, one of the big comfy seat tables was free, tucked away slightly into a corner. "There's one down there free." He indicated to his teacher, nodding with his head as he walked towards it.

"Okay, lead the way." Ville said, as he followed Bam to the table in the corner. He had the feeling the other didn't like talking about his private life too much with his teacher, so he dropped the subject. "Do you want to get right to the teaching now?"

Throwing himself down into the squishy leather seat, Bam sighed and slowly pulled out his textbook and writing equipment. "I guess we have to, I mean, you must have other stuff to do today as well." He watched the man as he sat down; trying not to pick up on the way the woman at the counter stared, before snapping her head quickly back to her customer.

Ville sat down and put his bag on the floor beside his seat. "I have other things to do, but not right now." He looked for a waitress to get something to drink, but they seemed all too busy at the moment. "Am I right when I say that you didn't do the exercise paper that I gave you in the last lesson?"

Bam tilted his head so it leant against the back of the seat, stretching his arms high in the air as he yawned. "You're right, I just...uh, didn't get around to it?"

Ville sighed loudly and rubbed his eyes with a hand. "Did you look at the paper at least once? Do you even know what it is about?" He asked, not knowing why he ever suggested helping the other.

"Umm, it's like quadratic... equations? I think it was, wasn't it?" Bam stumbled, not liking the way the teacher made him feel as though he was silly, he wasn't stupid, he just couldn't motivate himself to look at all the little numbers all of the time.

"Yeah, you're right." Ville said; glad to know that Bam at least paid a bit of attention to what was happening in class even though it didn't seem like it. "You could try to get the paper done now, at least part of it. If you're doing well I'll pay for your drinks." He offered, hoping that would work.

"Fine," Bam saw no room for argument and got out the sheet, reading the instructions as he tried to concentrate, but found it difficult with the teacher sitting there watching him. It wasn't exactly the same as if he had of been some ugly, bald headed guy. But nevertheless, with the second time of reading, Bam started filling in numbers, slowly working things out in his mind.

Ville watched Bam for a moment and then reached for his bag, taking out one of his books he kept with him for the time between lessons to keep himself busy. "If you have any question, go ahead and ask me." He said, glad that Bam tried to do the paper without any further argument.

Bam worked away through two questions, since they were fairly easy, until it started getting harder and he wasn't sure exactly what he was doing. So like anybody else would, Bam started gazing at the people in the cafe, listening to bits of their conversations, before looking over at his teacher, book in hand, and seeming oblivious to everything else.

Ville turned his attention from the book to Bam after some minutes, noticing that the other was watching him. "Is everything still okay, or do you need help, Brandon?" He asked and put the bookmark in his book, closing it.

Bam jolted slightly in his seat from where he'd been lost in zoning out, he hadn't noticed his teacher look up. And he'd definitely never noticed how bright the teacher's eyes were before, it not being every day that he went around staring at his teacher's eyes. "Umm," He cleared his throat as he tried to remember what he was doing, "I can't remember what I'm doing for question five?"

Ville smiled at Bam, he did like the look on the others face as and thought he looked cute, but a little lost. "Let me have a look at it." he said and shifted in his seat, getting a bit closer to the other to have a better look on the paper. He looked over the other questions Bam already filled out and nodded a bit and then started to explain how to solve the next.

Bam was losing concentration rapidly, Mr. Valo was sat closer to him, that every time he looked up to listen to him explain something, he was entirely too close. And plus, his legs under the table, Bam couldn't move, he might bump his into the teacher's. He didn't usually get like this, normally he didn't care, but this teacher was different from the people he hung around with.

Ville noticed after a bit that Bam seemed kinda tense and took the paper from him and put it on the table. "Let’s have a coffee or something like that first. See it as a small break and reward for what you have done already." He hoped this would help Bam concentrate. "You're not that bad, if you would do just a bit more during lessons we wouldn't need to do this here."

Bam sighed, leaning back and stretching as he watched the teacher walk over to the counter. They'd only been there half and hour, it didn't feel like it, but then maths always felt longer.

Ville got them both something to drink and gave the girl behind the counter a nice smile in thanks before he went back. "There you go." he said and put the drinks on the table.

Bam took his cup distractedly as he looked from the teacher to the girl on the till, and back again. "How do you do that, Mr. Valo?" He asked, curiosity mingled with jealousy in his voice. The girl still hadn't stopped blushing and giggling.

"How do I do what?" Ville asked, reached for his cup and took a sip of the hot coffee. He didn't know what Bam was talking about, even though he saw him looking back at the girl.

The boy snorted loudly into his cup "You know what, look at her!" Bam tried to subtly indicate the girl on the till, but pretty much failed and ended up waving his hand in her direction instead. How did the teacher not notice? It must be a game.

Ville crossed his legs and held the cup in both hands, resting on his thigh. "I was just polite and smiled at her; I didn't do anything, Brandon." He said and looked at the boy.

"Right," Bam sighed, the teacher was playing it coy obviously. Two could play that game. "Thank you very much for the coffee, Sir." He said as sweetly as possible, letting his chin drop so that his eyes stared up, big and wide at the teacher, before a small smile danced over his lips.

Ville looked into Bam's eyes and was amazed how blue they were, he never noticed that before, but that was probably because he shouldn't notice things like that at his students. "You're welcome." He smiled back at the boy and pushed some of his own hair behind his ear.

Bam made himself giggle, how ever much he detested being so girly, he was going to give the teacher some of his own oblivious medicine. "I really like your shirt too, Sir. Where did you get it?" He asked obviously, eyes dropping the teacher's chest as he pushed his hair back, just so the shorter strands would fall forward again.

Ville frowned a bit and took another sip of his coffee. "Are you trying to flirt with me, Brandon?" he asked in a serious voice, not knowing which answer he'd rather hear from the other.

"I was just being polite," Bam smirked, "Why, don't you like your shirt?"

"If I wouldn't like it, I wouldn't wear it." Ville told Bam with a soft laugh. "If you were just being polite, then I'll say thanks for the compliment." He still didn't really know what the boy was up to, but he had the feeling he would find out sooner or later.

"You're welcome." Bam smiled and quickly took a sip of his coffee, trying desperately not to burst out laughing. "So, Mr. Valo, what's your secret, huh? This," He indicated the teacher's sensible, smart frame, "is weird, I mean, what do you do when you're not teaching? I bet you're a pole dancer or some shit." He muttered the last part, but still loud enough for the teacher to hear.

Ville laughed and shook his head. "Sorry, I have to disappoint you; I am not a pole dancer." He was still chuckling softly, but thinking for just a brief second about his past as he reached for his coffee again, bringing it close to his mouth. "So you won't get the chance to sneak into a club and see me dancing for money." He said and had a sip of his coffee then. "I don't really have a secret, I love to play music and sing a bit in my free time, but that's no secret." He wouldn't tell the boy that he was secretly attracted to men.

"Damn," Bam sighed under his breath, since the idea had been rather appealing to him in a strange way. "Sing?" He questioned, slightly taken aback, "You’re not a girl."

"Singing isn't girly, Brandon." Ville said in a more serious sounding voice. "What kind of music are you into? I am sure you're not listening to anything like Britney Spears."

"Oh yeah, Steps and the Spice Girls!" Bam jeered in fake enthusiasm. "Nah," He shrugged, drinking his coffee again. "I listen to...well, heavy rock, but they don't really "sing"," He indicated with his fingers in the air.

"They sing in a way." Ville sighed and run his fingers through his hair. "But we're not here to talk about how girly music can be, right? I can assure you that I am not making girly music though."

"Right, but you said we were having a break, so I get to ask you stuff, and maybe you can ask me something. Like... are you married? Sit at home with the wife and a beer in front of the TV?" Bam smirked, finding the image amusing.
"Ah, you're right. That shows that you really pay attention sometimes." Ville said with a soft laugh. "A beer or a few more, yeah, but no wife. I don't wanna have a wife." He shrugged and shifted in his seat, crossing his legs. "What about you? I know that skateboarding is more important to you, but do you have a girl?"

"Anything to not do work." He snickered to himself. "No," He shrugged, "Not into them." Was all Bam would say to the teacher's last question.

"Not into them?" Ville raised an eyebrow in question. "What was that about the girl behind the counter?" He nodded his head in the direction of the girl. "You asked me earlier how I made her blush. Why ask if you're not interested?"

"Uh, well..." Bam drank his coffee slowly, taking as much time as possible to take back his slip. "Well, what I meant was there’s no girl that I'm interested in. But I asked you 'cos you don't even have to do anything and they're all over you, it's weird and unfair."

Ville shook his head amused. "It's not unfair, because the people I want to have 'all over me' to use your words, are not all over me." He shrugged, not knowing how their conversation got to such a personal subject that fast.

Bam paused, watching the teacher in front of him carefully as he drank, "What do you mean, Mr. Valo?" His eyes squinted slightly as he watched the teacher across the table.

Ville took a deep breath and tried to decide if he should tell Bam more about it or not, he was a student of his after all. "The ones I want don't seem to notice that I want them... or I can't have them." He looked down in his coffee thinking.

"Well, I guess that’s how it is." Bam smiled as he shrugged. "Is it my turn to ask a question again, or are you going to, Sir?" He was having a weird afternoon when he thought about it, to be sitting in a cafe, talking to a teacher like a human being, even if it was a young, good-looking teacher all the same.

"If you have something you really wanna know... Go ahead and ask; now you have the chance to." Ville offered and leaned back in his seat. He didn't know why he was offering Bam to ask him questions, maybe to get a better connection to the boy.

"Hmm," Bam thought over in his head the different things he could ask. He could get very personal, he could get stupid, or he could just be weird, he wasn't sure. "Why did you become a teacher? When you look so- I mean you don't seem the type." He trailed off, not happy with what he nearly said.

"When I look so…?" Ville raised an eyebrow and looked at Bam for a moment, but then shook it off and decided to answer his question. "I thought it would be nice to teach kids and I can't complain about it, but I don't want to do it for the rest of my life."

Bam shook his head as his teacher tried to pick up on his slip. He wasn't admitting to any attraction he may or may not have been feeling. "What do you want to do then? I don't know how you can stand putting up with brats like us."

Ville laughed a bit. "There are always good and bad sides about everything you do." He told Bam and drank the last sips of his coffee. "Remember that I told you some minutes ago about the music and the singing? I'd like to do that more professionally."

"Yeah, and I'm the bad side." He snorted slightly, thinking of all the things his friends had prompted him into doing, not just in this teacher's class, but throughout the school. "What, like in a band?" He looked at the teacher, he could see that perhaps with a little roughening, the man could pass as a rockstar, "You want all the groupies, weed and trashed hotel rooms, yeah?" He smirked.

"Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, right?" Ville laughed and uncrossed his legs again. "It's more about the music, but if you get nice things along with it, I won't complain." He shrugged a bit. "Do you already have any plans for your future?"

"Sex, drugs and skating?" Bam suggested in response to the teacher's question. He looked down at the maths sheet on the table in front of them, picking up the pencil to play with, "I don't really care what I do; I'm just trying to get out of school really."

"Then do something to get out of school. If you're good enough it won't be too long until you can leave and find something else to do." Ville smiled softly at Bam and rested his head on his hand, elbow on the armrest. He enjoyed talking with the boy and he didn't really want to change back to teaching him some more maths today.

"S'easy for you to say." He muttered, not wanting to go into his problems with other lessons, how his friends distracted him constantly in the ones he did like. "I bet you were a straight A's student, right? Teacher’s pet and never caught smoking in the toilets?" As he spoke, Bam realised he didn't actually really know the teacher's age, it wasn't the sort of thing he asked.

"If I was the teacher's pet, then one of the bad ones that always gets punished." Ville shook his head a bit. "I was a lot like you when I was younger." He sighed as he said that, knowing he sounded as if he was fifty already.

Bam grinned, "You sound like Phil- my dad." He smirked, leaning forward and folding his arms on the table, "What did you used to get up to then? Mr. Valo's got lots of dirty secrets, has he?" Bam's mind started to wander, thinking over the different situations, whether they were with females or males, in classrooms, in toilets- he was a teenage boy after all.

"I sound like your father?" Ville raised his eyebrows as he looked at Bam. "I am not that old." He chuckled and shook his head a bit. "I have some secrets, but why should I tell you about them now? What if you're still too young for my secrets?" He just had to tease the other a bit and really he wasn’t about to share his secrets with a boy from school they were far too private for that.

"You said it, not me." He raised his hands in mock-defence. "Well, how do you know that I haven't done things much worse than you, hmm?" He retorted, he wouldn't back down to the young teacher, regardless of the looks he sent him that were affecting him more than they should, considering it was his teacher.

"If you tell me things you have done... I can judge if mine were worse." Ville said with a small smirk playing on his lips as he pulled his feet up on the chair, sitting Indian-style. He had given up on thinking about this as a tutoring lesson by now.

"No, I asked first, why don't you try volunteering some information of your own today?" He leant his head against the palm of his left hand, still resting on the table as he watched the teacher making himself comfortable.

"Okay, you're right." Ville admitted and rested his arms on his legs. "Promise me that this whole talk will stay between you and me?" he asked, not wanting the whole school knowing that much about his private life.

"Mmm," Bam pretended to think it over, "I guess I could keep it to myself..." He paused, "Unless I think you need to be put away in a mental home instead."

"It's not that bad, maybe a bit illegal." Ville laughed. "My father owns a sex shop and I used to work there as I was younger." That was one of his secrets he usually didn't tell others, especially when the others were his students and attractive.

Bam's interest peaked, "A sex shop, for real? How cool," He grinned, wondering over the difference between the teacher in school and the natural way they were talking in the cafe.
He was enjoying spending time with this unusual teacher in such a friendly atmosphere, not to mention it meant he got to take a proper, closer look at the slightly feminine man.

Ville nodded with a laugh. "Yeah, but now it's your turn to tell me a secret, or we're going back to maths." Not that he really wanted to, but he knew it would work as a good enough threat so Bam would tell him some of his secrets.

“No more maths, no way. So, let me see..." He wondered which of his little adventures he should tell the teacher and not risk involving someone else if the teacher didn't keep it all to himself. "Well, I did get caught once, about four months ago, out by the science building? I was...uh, kinda involved with someone... and well, the deputy caught us, unfortunately; big shit for me."

Ville grinned and nodded. "So you are interested in other people beside your skateboard." He teased and scratched the back of his neck. "Nice story... what happened after you got caught?"

"Nobody said I didn't play a bit, just because I don't care about relationships." Bam fought the urge to wink and settled for a smirk instead. "Well, we tried to pretend hi- I mean, their zip was broken, and so I was trying to fix it. He didn't believe us, and so I got a month's worth of after schools. Lot’s of fun." He shrugged.

"I probably wouldn't have believed you either." Ville tried not to laugh too much about it, things like that already had happened to him and he kinda had the feeling that Bam wasn't talking about a girl in that story. "A broken zipper is a lame excuse." He smirked and pushed some hair out of his face.

"Well what else can you come up with that makes sense at a time like that? I hadn't really been focused on making up excuses." He stuck his tongue out playfully at the teacher, wondering if he realised it was a boy he'd been caught with.

"You have to be quick with thinking up good stories that would work as an excuse." Ville laughed softly as he saw Bam sticking his tongue out at him. "But yeah, with your hands down another guy’s pants it's hard to think, I know what you're talking about." He didn't really realise what he said until he finished his sentence and then put his hand over his mouth, embarrassed that he just assumed Bam was with a boy and literally told him that he was with guys.

"Yeah well, I was gonna get a detention anyway for skipping class." He waved the problem away in the air. "You would?" His eyebrows rose on his forehead as he watched the teacher cover his mouth with his hand, "Happen to you often, huh?" What an interesting little gem that one was, very interesting indeed.

Ville shook his head a bit, hoping Bam wouldn't think about that too much now and would keep his mouth shut. "I wouldn't say that it happened to me often, but enough for my taste." He admitted.

Bam bit his lip a little to stop himself laughing with joy, sudden possibilities opening up in his mind about his good-looking teacher. Not that he was probably interested, unless Bam really tried hard. "And what is your taste, Mr. Valo? Or s’that another secret?" He smiled deviously.

Ville had the feeling that what he was doing here with Bam wasn't right, but he couldn't help himself, he enjoyed their conversation. It didn't feel like he was talking with his student. "My taste when it comes to other human beings?" he asked with a raised brow, not wanting to tell too much if Bam meant something else.

Bam nodded his head, grinning so that his teeth were visible, "Unless you're into things other than people too?" He winked, hand rubbing a little at the side of his neck as he rested his head lightly on his hand.

"No, I am only into people, thanks." Ville said and didn't know what he should tell Bam now, he couldn't say 'I'm attracted to people like you' or should he say that and play it up as a joke? He was unsure about it. "I don't know… they just need something special about them, something that makes them unique and interesting."

Bam leaned forward a little over the table, foot tapping quietly in excitement on the floor, "Unique and interesting? Not a great body, or," He let his eyes run over the teacher's face, “really soft looking lips that you watch across the table?"

Ville licked over his lips as he watched Bam and listened to him. "A great body is a good extra" he said, almost whispering. "What are you up to, Brandon?" he asked then, having a feeling where this would lead them.

"Just getting to know you, I can't help it if I'm the only one daring to ask the questions." He smirked, intent on not backing down against the older man.

Ville leaned on one of the armrests, the one that was closer to the other. "Just getting to know me? A student does not need to know these things about his teacher." He looked right at Bam's eyes and licked his lips again. Such a beautiful boy, he thought. "I'd ask you some questions, but all the ones that are coming into my head aren't appropriate."

"We aren't in school anymore." Bam stated quietly, watching the movement of the teacher's lips with interested eyes. "Shouldn't I be the judge of what's appropriate for me to answer?" His lips quirked up at one side.

"In school or not… I'm still your teacher." Ville sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "If I wasn’t your teacher... I'd ask you to go out with me for a drink Friday night." He knew he should have never said that, not to one of his students, but he couldn't help himself.

"Well," Bam thought it over in his mind, "That depends whether you can think of me as just being me, not that you teach me in school?"

"I can think if you as just you... I am doing that at the moment, mostly." Ville admitted and tapped his fingers a bit nervously on the armrest. "But you know that this is illegal. I can't go out with you, not as a date."

Bam bit his lip, finding the teachers nervousness exhilarating, "Maybe it wouldn't be a date, this isn't a date."

"Would you say yes at all... if I would ask you to go out with me?" Ville looked at Bam, his head tilted to the side a bit.

"Well, maybe I would. Depends on whether I think I'm going to enjoy going or not really." He shrugged, pretending he wasn't sure.

"Depends on how you're behaving." Ville said with a wink and leaned back in seat again. "It's up to you." he shrugged.

"Mmm, I can't promise to be entirely good, that might be kinda boring." He smirked, eyes roaming over the teacher as he leant back. "Gotta cut loose sometimes, you know."

"I never said you should be good, only that you should behave." Ville chuckled softly. "I know how to have fun, sweetie."

“Really," Bam shifted slightly in his seat, trying to ease some of the pressure his clothes were causing on certain areas. "Having fun trying to fix someone else's zipper, I suppose?"

"Yeah, or letting someone else fix mine." Ville said and shook his head in amusement. "There are lots of possibilities."

"And plenty of other clothes to break." Bam leant back slightly from the table, chewing the side of his finger a little, before gently sucking on it, eyes drifting around the cafe innocently.

Ville nodded and made an agreeing sound, too wrapped in watching Bam suck on his finger. He knew he shouldn't flirt with the boy, he would only get them both in trouble, but the opportunity was too good to let it slip and the boy too attractive to not try it.

Bam took the finger deeper into his mouth before he turned his gaze on the teacher again, slowly pulling his finger from his mouth and resting it out of view on his knee. "You know, if you want to get away from the teacher thing, I need a name other than Mr. Valo to call you, unless you plan on calling me Mr. Margera?"

Ville blinked and shook his head a bit, pulling himself out of his thoughts. "Uhm, yeah... I don't wanna call you Mr. Margera, sounds too formal. Call me Ville." He smiled at the other and shifted in his seat, resting his hands in his lap to hide the small bulge in his pants.

"Ville? I've never even heard of that as a name before, and people think my nickname's strange!" He teased, secretly loving the fact that he now had a name to add to his late night fantasies.

"It's Finnish." Ville nodded. "Bam's your nickname, right?" He had heard Bam's friends calling him that and so he just guessed it was his name.

"Right, that makes more sense." Bam grinned, "Yeah, that's what everyone calls me, the name on the register is a bit shit, huh."

Ville laughed a bit. "Bam sounds not so formal." He put his legs both down on the floor again. "Do you want something more to drink?" he asked, trying to find a reason for them to stay a bit longer at the cafe.

"I guess I can, if you're trying to make me stay here all evening." He pretended to sigh, squeezing his thighs together a little just to relieve some of what his hands couldn't.

"Would you really mind? If I'd make you stay here for a bit longer?" Ville asked, not waiting for a reply. "What do you want to drink?"

"Well, a hot chocolate with the sprinkles, if I'm forced to stay here, I need something sweet on my taste buds." He smirked.

"You'll get something sweet." Ville winked at Bam as he stood up and got their empty cups, before walking to the counter and getting them new drinks.

Unsurprisingly, Bam wasn't affected by the stares of the girl serving the teacher, Ville. Not now he was having so much fun of his own. Who knew that maths could turn out to be so fun?

Ville came back with two new cups and put them once again on the table. "Here's your hot chocolate with sprinkles, Bam." He smiled and sat down.

"Thanks...Ville." He paused slightly to add the emphasis to the teacher's first name. Wrapping a hand around the cup, Bam dipped the spoon into the liquid, swirling it around absently as his feet stretched out until one brushed up Ville's ankle.

"You're welcome." Ville said and carefully sipped on his hot coffee. "We still haven't agreed on Friday night." He smiled and looked down at his foot as he felt Bam brush against it.

"Sorry," Bam said in an apologetic tone, but didn't move his foot from the outside of Ville's. "Oh, I think I could probably make it, depending on where it is you want to take me?"

"What about that bar across from the movie theatre?" It was one of Ville's favourite places to hang out, good beer, good music, and nice people. "If you don't like that... you can suggest something."

"I could work around that." Bam agreed with a little smile, inching his foot up Ville's leg a bit.

"That's nice to know." Ville smiled and tried to ignore Bam's foot. "Are we going to meet there...?" He asked a bit hesitantly.

"Yeah, s’probably best." Bam nodded, smirking to himself as he drew his foot further out so the tip of his shoe was stroking up Ville's calf. Bam sat a little closer to the table so he could comfortably reach.

"About 9 o'clock?" Ville still tried to not think about the others foot touching him but it got harder the higher Bam got. "Or do you wanna go out earlier?"

"No, nine is better; I've got to set up this stuff on the computer for my mom after school." Bam teasingly ran his foot all the way back down Ville's leg again as he pondered taking his shoe off so that he would be able to do more.

"Don't tell anybody about it, okay?" Ville just needed to say that, just in case. "Especially not to your parent’s that you're meeting up with a teacher."

"Do you think I'm retarded?" He raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Seriously, Ville?" Bam put his foot firmly back down on the floor.

"No, I don't think that, Bam." Ville sighed. "I just wanted to make sure you knew what you're getting into." He ran his hands through his hair. "It won't be easy."

"And what do you think I'm getting myself into exactly? We're just meeting up at a bar one evening." Though he said that, his brain was thinking things entirely different.

"Students usually don't meet up with their teachers. Or do you do that with others as well? What about Mrs. Smith? Would you go for a drink with her too?" Ville asked, looking right at Bam. "I just don't want you… us to get in trouble."

"Yeah, I know. But I know what I'm doing, yeah? I am quite skilled at getting around parents and hiding things after all these years. Now can we stop worrying about this?" He asked with a tone of finality, reaching forward and taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

Ville sighed again and nodded. "Then what do you wanna talk about?" he asked in a softer sounding voice, checking his cell phone for the time, not that he really had anything important to do today.

"I dunno, I've been asking all of the questions it seems, while you flirt with the girl on the till." He couldn't stop himself from adding with a smirk as he brought the cup to his lips again.

Ville rolled his eyes. "I didn't flirt with her, Bam." He shook his head and played a bit with the cup in his hands. "If I would have tried to flirt with her... do you still think I would be here talking with you?" he teased.

"Oh no, I'm sure you would be down the abortion clinic already." He snorted with a sense of glee at his rebuke.

Ville shook his head, not liking Bam's reply and had a sip of his coffee, setting the cup on the table then. "Do you wanna go back to math?"

"Mmm yeah, I'd love to sit here and work out equations." Bam rolled his eyes as his phone started jingling it his pocket. "Hang on, I'm vibrating." He pulled the phone out to find it was a text from Ape, telling him he better get back soon; else there’d be no dinner for him.

Ville reached for his coffee again as Bam was busy with his phone and had a few sips, thinking about the whole thing that started between them. He couldn't tell what it was, but it was more than just a teacher-student relationship.

"So Ville, right now I've got the choice of either staying here and doing sums, or going home to get dinner. You can tell which one I'm aiming for, even if the sums do come with an interesting teacher." He smirked, feeling as though all he ever did was smirk.

"I think you’re going for the dinner then, judging by your choice of words." Ville drank the last bit of his coffee. "Am I right?"

"Yeah, 'fraid so. No more teasing and flirting for you tonight."

"That's sad, I enjoyed your company." Ville admitted, away from his friends Bam was a really nice guy. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class then."

"Oh fuck, please don't remind me!" Bam groaned, leaning backward as he raised his arms in the air, stretching out his back as much as possible. "You know I can't behave." He laughed.

Ville laughed, nodding. "Just try it and if you're good you may get something in return Friday night." he winked, hoping it was a good enough reason for Bam to behave.

"Oh really?" Bam arched his eyebrow playfully, "Well you better start thinking of what exactly I'm going to get then." He shot Ville a look, standing up and pulling his bag on his shoulders.

"We'll see about that." Ville smirked. "First I wanna see you being good in class." He stretched his legs out and started packing up the few things he got out earlier.

"Ah well, I shall try my best." He gave a salute. "And now since this wasn't a date, I have no problem saying goodbye and leaving you without a kiss, so that's what I'm gonna do." He grinned, "Bye!" And with that, quickly turned on his heel and walked out of the shop, the lure of food calling him faster than it should.

"See you tomorrow then." Ville said with a soft laugh at Bam's words as he left. He shook his head at himself and slowly made his way home.

fics, where the lines begin to blur, bam margera, him, ville valo, stories

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