Spent the day with my little cousins again

Jul 19, 2005 21:09

Hey yesterday I went to my cousins house and I went to their house again today and got back not to long ago (oh yeah theses cousins are the same ones i always talk about). Anyway it was really fun and painful at one time. See my cousin he has bunk beds in his room and his little sisters were on the top bunk when they were playin in his room and the younger girl thats 2 pushed her big sister off the bunk bed and her sister is 4 by the way anyway she was really lucky she landed on my back and thats the painful part I didn't see it comin though my I mean my back is really hurting but shes not like heavy or anything she is really light. Ok so yeah we didn't really do anything else all I did was play video games. But yeah it was fun and then I might go to my aunts house tomorrow and hang out with my cousin Christian but I doubt if I will be able to. But yeah thats all for now. Yeah but my back is still hurting so I'm probably gonna go rest it now.
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