Oct 01, 2005 04:21
Ahh been a long ass time since I updated...
Any who... Today was weird.. Meaning Friday, I slept in 2nd period cause we were watching a movie and an ant has the gull to climb on to my face and bite me on the fuckign eyelid!!!! OMFG THAT'S SO GAY, MY FUCKING EYE WAS SWOLLEN ALL DAY!!! GOD DAMNIT.
Ugh, anyways, Jimmy and Andrew were suppose to go with me to the Misfits concert but Jimmy never came, and Andrew came left, so I went without them...
It was so awesome, I was in the pit, I was practicaly on the stage, I met Dez Cadina and Jerry only, got a few autographs and pics together, hand shakes everything, twas an awesome concert, they played Astro Zombies, my favorite song ever. Well came home, can't sleep though I'm dead tired... It was awesome though, I just wish more friends would have come >_> (you know who you are)
Yeah, well I'm tired and about t go to sleep, but today kicked ass, and I met Sydney (aka Kitty, lol) Infact she abducted me into her car in front of my own driveway lol.
Yeah... Sleepy now, night losers, jking. :P