
Sep 21, 2004 17:46

Hmm. a lot happened last weekend!

FrIdAy- WENT OUT TO EAT! yummm! :0). Then we went to the DV Varsity Game! It was a blast! haha nick and eric poured paint all over themselves! lol. it was great.  Then, me and megan and jayden and lacey and kimmy left and went to Colton's house and we got to see MICHAEL AND THE BAND! it was so fun! lol. then me and megan were gonna jump in the pool with a bunch of the guys but yeah. we chickened out. lol. then we went back to the game and we all piled into my little car and danielle's head was like on my frikken lap the whole time. haha. it was so funny. lol. the me and megan spent the night at DANIELLES! lol. in between talking on the phone to michael and jumping off danielles couch and doing flips into a big pile of pillows, i managed to bend my hand all the way back. Dang it still hurts :0(.  lol. but yeah. danielles was a little too hyper hahah. MOSH PIT! defiently doing that next weekend! lol.

SaTuRdAy- I woke up to like 3845682346 people texting me at the same time lol. then megan and danielle and me went to michaels and got T-SHIRTS for the SADIES DANCE! lol. then we all decorated them with kimmy! lol. then i thought it would be cool if we dyed my hair blonde. hmmm. MISTAKE! lol. it turned BRIGHT ORANGE. then i didnt want to go to sadies. so went over to BRETT'S house and saw michael and the band again! haha. We had fun watching them practice and stuff and yeah we piled everyone into my car and went to taco bell and poor brett had to go in the tunk! lol. it was fun! then we ended up going to SADIES with my ugly ass hair lol. then me and megan and kimmy left early. And ended up going back to bretts lol. WOW. that was fun. lol. then i had to go home :0(. but yeah that night was pretty fun! lol.

SuNdAy- Did my chores while my mom laughed at my hair. fun stuff lol. BUT ATLEAST IT RAINED!

MoNdAy- Normal monday. execpt everyone had their opinions for my hair lol. some good some bad. lol. but alll in all it really doesnt matter to me.

ToDaY- Hmmm. i went to a hair dresser and got an estimated price to fix my hair. 75 dollars! holy crap. im gonna have to do some major babysitting! lol.

Hopefully it rains on friday ;-).

But yeah. I hope everyone had a good weekend!

MuCh LoVe.


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