Jan 23, 2005 21:29
So I'll chalk today up to a good day. Went to church, then went to Joel's. Then just got home about 15 minutes ago. So I basically spent my day with him. Which is always good stuff lol :) I'd write all about it, but I'm too lazy.
Funniest part, looking at baby pictures with his parents. He was such a cute baby!!! lol! And the funniest one, baby Joel is sitting with 3 little baby girls, and apparently they had all taken a bath together, and 2 of the girls (who were twins) looked at his *area* and then looked at theirs, and then were about to reach for it, and he grabbed it and pushed them away!! LMAO! I thought it was the funniest thing ever. I almst cried when his mom told me the story! lol! Ah too funny.
And on the way home (Joel drove me home) we stopped at Shopper's to buy laundry detergent lol I felt like such a married couple buying laundrty detergent with him lol! 'Twas funny.
And I felt even more like an old couple when we were liek yeah, it'd be too cold to go parkign anyways. lol I was like oh man, what teenager is like yeah, its too cold for sex. hahaha Apparently we are! lol Oh how I laugh.
On a totally different note, I was reading Geoff's poetry. And it was talking about cutting, because being happy is nothing compared to having peopel pay attention to you. I felt teh need to *discuss* lol I hate that I feel that way sometimes. I know I do it, and I disgust myself for it, and I'm trying so hard to stop, but I'll be the first to admit it to myself, and to others, and hopefully other people out there will come to teh same conslusion. I know I do it sometimes. I make myself unhappy so that I get the attention that I want.I'd rather be getting the most attention, than stand happy alone. You know? And I'm telling myself here and now that I won't do it anymore. But it so true. Maybe not for some, but maybe for others. You'd rather live a life of unahppiness and complete co-dependancy, than take the effort to tell yourself that you're worth your own happiness and you can achieve it independantly.
Take the high road.
People should never tear you down. They should only help YOU build YOURSELF up.