Jan 30, 2005 17:33
a beautiful weekend come and gone. we had meltdown of course and although i know of a lot of people who didnt enjoy it, i certainly did.. but it wasnt because of the speakers or the weird music or the games, but it was mostly because of the people i met there. i met some amazing peopl; people i think that i will be forced to keep up with throughout this ear because every one of the people i met lives extremely close to me and i met them through other people that i hang out with all the time. it's wonderful. they are awesome and i don't know really how to describe how wonderful my weekend was without telling every detail. but i won't bore you. speaking of people though, i have some things to say to the people i have always known are amazing. i don't know where it's coming from, but for some reason, everyone of my best friends is either mad at me, or thinks that i hate them. to all whom it concerns (i.e. my bestest friends) i AM NOT mad at *you*or hate you; i am sooo sorry to *you*; and to *you* i just want to become friends like we were at one point-you're the one who said i need a best friend-let me have one ok? -i won't make it awkward anymore i promise. i just want our great friendships back and im sorry if im the one making that difficult. but enough about that. it was a great weekend, i finished my paper for english like 2 seconds ago and i just got some cool encouragement from miley blue and scottie. thanks guys. and to all who made my weekend miraculous, thanks to *you.* love, Hannah*