Let it Snow.

Dec 22, 2007 03:48

Well here I am in Wisconsin. Sad to be away from friends but nice to see family.

I pretty much already had christmas. My beautiful boyfriend bought me a ring! (Not an engagment ring or anything!) That was my favorite present. And maybe the fake ID my mom found for me since the bastards at Peabody's took mine. Other than that Christmas was good.

Now Im stuck up here for 10 days probably ending up to be bored out of my mind. I'll get  some good shopping done. And I'm soooo excited to eat at my favorite restraunt Maggianos!! YUMM!

New Years will probably be one of the worst since everyone is going to Vegas. Oh well. Least I will be home for it spending it with close friends.

Well I'm going to try and go to bed. Tomorrow we're food shopping and hopefully finding a gym=]

ps. I'm watchin James and the Giant Peach! I love this movie!!

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