I'm sick of everything

Jan 30, 2007 18:36

I'm sick.
I'm sick of people talking about college.
I'm sick of people talking about leaving.
I'm sick of people getting into every college they have applied too.
I'm sick of people always telling me that i'll get into schools.
I'm sick of people always getting what they want.
I'm sick of all of those people out there who get to go and do what ever they want to do. I'm sick of all those kids out there that get to go on trips over mid-winter and spring break with there friends.
I'm sick that i have to pay for all of my needs. I'm sick that i never get to go any where over breaks , only to cape cod. 
I'm sick of people who don't understand that having a job you have to give up everything that deals with going on trips or your plans. I don't know when the last time was when i went shopping with my friends and spent the money that i get from working on MYSELF, on clothes for me, shoes for me, everything for me. Not for paying my phone bill with, not for paying for spree or the year the book, or anything that has to deal with school , or trips. 
It's going to be really funny when people get jobs for the first and they realize how you can't really do what you use to when you didn't have a job.

I'm sick of myself because I have to WORK to get what i want.

I'm sick of my parents putting off the FAFSA.

I'm sick of my parents. They don't even know how much i want to go to college. They don't  care. Especially my mom. I ask her  about the FAFSa and all she can say nuh-uh in a voice where she dosen't want to deal with it. My parents don't even know how scared how i was in the first place to go talk to them about the FAFSA. I knew it was going to be like this. It's still sitting on the mantel and it's been there for almost two weeks. I keep asking them every day and they keep saying no. I don't know what else to do, to get it through their head that if i don't get this FAFSA sent in i won't be going to college, I wont be moving out. I won't have my own room. I will never have  a life that i wished i had right now

I'm sick of sharing a room with my brother.
I'm sick of not having a place to do all of my homework.
I'm sick of my sister.
I'm sick that she has her own room and she is never home. 
I'm sick that she is always smoking weed up there with Karen. 
I'm sick that she dosen't even care that my reeks of marjiuna.
I'm sick that my parents haven't done anything about that.

Oh yeah and i'm sick of school. 
I'm sick of finals.
I'm sick of all of the homework they give us when we have a Senior Project that should be priority. 
I'm sick of all the dumb and rude and mean and sick people at school.

I'm sick of everything.

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