Sep 09, 2006 17:44
I keep reading about people starting all of these new exciting things in their life. mostly all my CITS going to school. exciting new events, classes, new people to meet, new states/cities. but not me! i'm working the same job (that i love) and living in the same city (which is also a good place to live) and doing the same thing everyday.
BUT WAIT! Today I had QUITE a bit of excitement! TODAY I was stuck in an elevator for OVER AN HOUR! How often does THAT happen to people? There was so much great timing that went into the synchronicity of my mom, my great grandpa and I getting stuck in an elevator. I would like to thank everything that made this exciting freaky-as-shit event possible.
my mom was supposed to be off work at 10 and at my place at 10:15. we were going to leave by 1030, be at the hospital by 11, stay for an hour (12) and go home (1230). instead!-i got a stomach-ache that made us leave my apartment 30 minutes late for the hospital to visit my 90 y/o grandmother who had her gall bladder removed (she's an organ donor and they cant wait any longer, they are starting to take things now). Mom and i also had to get off the freeway to find a bathroom because of my stomach-ache. we finally got to the hospital (virginia mason in seattle) and got a great spot right in front. as i pulled into the spot i noticed the guy parked in front of us had left his checkbook on his bumper. mom and i spent 5 minutes calling and leaving a note for him. then my mom had to use the bathroom before we went up to see grandma [on the 17th (TOP!) floor]. when we were walking to the elevators we ran into my great grandpa who was just getting food. we waited for an elevator with another woman. it took a minute or so for an elevator to arrive (felt like forever) and the first elevator wanted to go down instead of up, since we were on the 4th floor and it can only go down to the 3rd we got on anyway and 'went for a ride' down to the third where the only thing that greeted us was an empty wheel chair.... o.O we then went up to the 9th for the other lady. she said 'wow that was quite an express trip'. the elevator had gone up really fast, no other stops, right to her floor. we pushed the 'close doors' button and the 17 button again, and then at 16/17 we stopped. we quickly decided that we were not going to push any buttons, or try to open the doors (we all saw what happened to those people in bellevue a few months back, right?) i picked up the emergency phone and talked to the hospital operator. over the course of 40 minutes we learned that the hospital engineer was contacted immediately but they have to call the elevator company for a technician to come and open it up to get us. protocol. we waited for an HOUR before the guy got there and took 2 minutes to get us out. 2 fucking minutes!
we were safe & unharmed (physically), but holy effing poop! what a crappy procedure process! it took all of 2 minutes to get us out but we had to wait over an hour!? WTF!? I will be writing a strongly worded comment card for THIS! my grandmothers bill should be comp'd! my mom immediately freaked out when the elevator stopped. she spent the hour on the floor watching her watch and slowly removing clothes. I guess when one is confined in a small space one does not want to be confined by clothing. at least that is controllable. at least it was only us 3 in the car. thank god she only removed her jacket, shoes and socks. and she never got to the sit and hold yourself and rock stage. but she did make me call the hospital operator every 10/15 minutes.
i can't write about this any more. i have to finish working. OH YEAH! after all this i had to WORK 8 HOURS!