Feb 28, 2006 16:07
Re: Thoughts of Moana,..will haunt Travis for years to come.
reply Posted: Feb 27 @ 08:54 PM
by: mysweetharvest (8 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Feb 27, 2006
I was Moana. 25 yrs ago. Young, free spirit (still am!), intelligent, striking and very careful-always closed. Never thought I could marry or even be loved by someone of Travis's caliber......and then I met him. A Financial Consultant-spoke 5 languages, kind, loving, smart and wonderful and best of all he appreciated all those things about me that very few had. I let me guard down and fell head over heels. I learned so much about myself. I learned that I was just as worthy as the next girl-that I had just as much to offer. In the end he chose something familiar, safe and what I considered a bit boring. I was devistated. I never prayed so hard. But he taught me to be true to who I was and the experience of falling in love and opening my heart was as wonderful as it was painful. Instead of retreating back into my shell I embraced what I learned and stayed open to what lay ahead in my life. I would never have met my husband had I not gone through that pain because of what I learned. It made me stronger and sure of who I was. I learned later he realized he had made a terrible mistake and that he should've followed his heart instead of his head. By then it was too late-I was married to a wonderful man. I think about him now and then and am so thankful for what he taught me about myself and even though his choice was painful I wish I could thank him for his choice. Moana needs to know that there is someone out there that will cherish all the uniquenes within her. Its OK to be different and its OK to be unique-she needs to embrace it. As for Travis....well...he'll bore quickly with his choice and he'll long for the excitement Moana brought to his life for that short while. He looked at Moana differently and kissed Moana more passionately-he wasn't ture to himself. Someone should have grabbed him and said, "What does TRAVIS want? Not mom not dad-not what will suit your statis-what does Travis want?" On being so smart he sure made a dumb choice...but he already knows that-I can garuantee you! Me? Well I have 4 beautiful children and a wonderful man who has accepted my free-spirit, zaniness, intensity, dry sense of humor and "uniqueness" for 23 yrs. now. Thank God for unanswered prayers!