Aug 21, 2004 21:04
Upon getting off the train, I saw etched on the wall by the last set of chairs "Fuck Muslems" in black marker, besided it was "Niquer [scribbled out] la sale race française" (Fuck [scribbled out] the dirty french race), and I shook my head. Marseille will always be Marseille, where it's beautiful, everyone's dark and there are a million shades of blue. I spent the afternoon with Johanna on a rock looking straight up at the sky, an immense and never ending blue. I look down and straight ahead and see nothing but a deep sparking blue green. I can't even describe the colour of the mediterranean in Marseille. I took a dip and just floated on my back, letting the water carry me where ever, I didnt even have to paddle, there was so much salt in the water. I got out to dry myself in the sun and now I'm covered in salt.
I'm so at ease here.
I cant believe I'm back in Canada on Tuesday. After 12 months. Wow.