[Charmy has found the right parts in Tails' workshop to put together a small gun, and is currently at work on the floor, the PCD sitting nearby.]
With all the crazy people here, I can't risk being unarmed. Any close combat, if needed, could kill me...
Tails should be back soon, so I better clean up my mess. I know how he likes to keep things clean,
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I personally don't see the point.
I know what I'm doing, Tails. You don't have to worry about me.
It's more the point that you seem to know what you're doing that bothers me.
Why does it bother you?
It bothers me to think that kids should need or feel they need such destructive things for protection when the real purpose of them is to cause others pain. It makes me wonder what I'd be like at my age in your universe.
Uhm...hopefully in a peaceful world, if we can win this war.
I hope, but can you tell me honestly that after defeating Eggman you could just throw away your gun?
And, when he's beaten...
I have to locate all the remaining Bees and rebuild my home. I'll put aside the gun, yes, and take up another tool.
You'd better be especially careful about your shots here. Ammo is something not easily found. If you rely more on the gun than your skills you'll be in trouble.
I hope for your sake you can.
I know, and I'm only using it if I get attacked. I said, it's for self-defense. I don't strike without being struck.
If you say you will you will, but you know where I stand on this so I'm leaving it to you.
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