Auction Closed (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee remix)

Apr 15, 2010 08:22

All Podfic and Video notifications have been sent out.

And. You know. $6,036.50!


$ 6 , 0 3 6 . 5 0

Apparently, you all decided to cover tech costs for a week and then threw in the cover for a DNA briefing while you were there, just because you're that freaking awesome. I wonder if RAINN has a dance of joy? I bet they totally do.

I do. It will not be filmed. You're welcome.

Okay, so, if you've won a bid (check over here) and haven't received your "how to donate" email, comment with your username, your tart's username and the category and I'll make sure it gets sent to you.

If you're a Tart who's been donated for, but haven't received a confirmation email (to see if you've been donated for, check over here - if the background of the goodie is green, not red, the donation has been made), comment with your name, the bidder's name and the category and an email will be on its way.

$6,036.50 \o/
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