The last deadline has passed, I'm taking the pinch hitter bit down just for a couple hours to tweak and remove some data and whatnot, and then we're back up. If you're missing your bidding code to flag the goodie as done and done, email me and I'll get it to you :)
I just wanted to post that up quickly, so that's covered and you know why the pinch hits have magically disappeared.
I'll be back later with another admin post that's going to take a bit longer.
Edit Or I'll be back now to expand on this a bit ;)
You will have received an email when bought / buying with a bidding code in it. You'll need this. If you don't have it, email me ( with the name of bidder and tart, and the item category, and I'll get the code to you.
The goodies are done, I want to flaunt, what do I do?
Enter the code in
Flaunt It and a) you can flaunt and b) the goodie will be marked as complete, meaning the sweet tart has not defaulted
The goodies are done, I don't want to flaunt, what do I do? / The goodies aren't done but the bidder is A-Okay with that, what do I do?
Enter the code in
Done!, this will flag the goodie as complete.