let me hear ya say way-o..

Aug 05, 2004 23:28

so finally...the time of wildwood is upon us. i'm super psyched, its ridiculous. and i'm in a crazy good mood because i know that i officially won't have to work for a full 3 days (though they did try to con me into working tomorrow morning before i leave for wildwood, but i declined. oh yeah, look who's learning to say no. (listen kids, when it comes to picking up hours a work that you don't want, JUST SAY NO.) I worked from 10-3 at TCP today...it was busy which was good since i was kept busy and couldn't get bored..then from 3-4 i got dinner (a very tasty chicken caesar wrap, a la food court) and sorta window shopped for a while... right before i went into liz this girl came up to me rambling about having me test out perfumes (i believe she was a representative from perfumania) so i let her ramble, but she also sprayed me with samples so i walked away smelling kinda like old lady, but by the time i got to liz, i think it had already faded. it was weird too because her "co-worker", who appeared to be doing very little work kept say "don't talk to [her] she has aids." and things like "she just sprayed me with some stuff and now it itches, don't let her spray you" so i was like oh jesus, this girl is gonna poison me. but alas she did not. The liz shift wasn't bad either because my friend mary who works at TCP with me started at Liz today so i had someone to talk to after we closed, it was funny because we both worked the morning at TCP (they made us work wearing little kids backpacks btw, to promote them, so that was awesome. not.) so by the time 9:00 rolled around we were both pretty nutty. oh and mary thinks kevin is annoying too. this girl meagan referred to him as ADD boy today, which made me wonder if she knew what ADD stood for, or if really does have ADD. We had to stay at Liz until 10:30. i didn't really care at that point, they're paying me, so whatever. Next week i work 33 hours at Liz and 11 hours at TCP, plus whatever i want to pick up from Liz. So i'm excited about all of the money-making that will be going on in the next few weeks. i can't believe we move back to good ol tcnj in like...25 days...that's madness...i'm still excited though...

kerri, i just heard that aquateen hunger force is showing their final episode like this week or something. isn't that the show i was introduced to by you? with meatwad? yeah.

i'm bored. doot doot doo...i was doing the doug theme at work tonight...hmmmm. i guess i'm done.

peace out homies.
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