Oh fer frak's sake! (Ranty McRantypants)

Mar 27, 2009 18:25

So... I just defriended a community I've loved up till now.

Because a couple of folk really pushed me over the edge, dammit!

I don't mind if people prefer het, slash, femmeslash or gen. I don't mind what your individual kinks are. Rule 34 and all? Cthulhu's OK with whatever, yeah?

But dammit, if you prefer het to slash, why for fuck's sake does it have to be female submission every single time??? If you like that, it's fine. But some of us would like a lil bit of variety, in the name of blessed Idh-yaa! *fumes*


*breathes deeply and calms down*

cthulhu, hello lj, pffft, idh-yaa, communities, het, gender issues

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