Ok, people. I know that there are probably very view who read this thing of mine. I rarely ever post, or rather, actively participate on LJ. I lurk. I'm a lurker. It's who I am. But occasionally, I post--usually about random stuff, and today that's not going to change. Hopefully, some of you will read this and you'll actually be able to help me. You see, I have an addiction to Nikadine (it rhymes with Nicotine).
What's Nikadine? It's Nik + Nadine on General Hospital. Now, I know they're not a couple (and I don't want them to be right now.) Nik is still grieving for his dearly departed fiancee`who was brutally murdered by evil Deigo as he should be. Oh, and did I mention that he's also suffering from a tumor that alters his personality by sending him to fits of rage and that also makes him see hallucinations of dead Emily? Yeah. He does. He thinks he's going crazy and there's only one person who doesn't think so...sweet little Nadine. Nadine is cute, perky, and a little quirky. She helps him to accept the hallucinations and reassures him that he's not crazy or dangerous. She gives him much needed reality checks while being optimistic. You'd think that the two of them would be like oil and water, yet they don't. They have the most intriguing friendship developing between the two. I wish I could even begin to describe just how good it is. They're polar opposites and Nadine is putting the spark back in Nik! And they're starting to rely on each other and, and, and...I LOVE IT.
There is so much POTENTIAL for a friendship/relationship storyline to develop between these two I mean...it would be a story that would be slow, sweet, poignant, and it could become something intense and make for great story telling. Now, having said that, let me get to the reason why I'm writting this:
I need Nikadene fan fiction...like, really well written fan fic. Is there any out there? Proably not yet, but there will be I'm sure b/c people are starting to catch on to the Nikadene addiction.
Geeze, I did not need another ship to hop on to. Gah. I'll just add some fuel to the fire then. Here we go:
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