Jun 11, 2005 10:43
Yesterday was a pretty sweet day. I had a job interview at Abercrombie and the guy i had the interview with was really cool. He was just really laid back and just asked me questions from the top of his head. He told me i had a good ruseme and he said "good answer" to like whatever i said, haha. Like the most random question was "what kind of ice cream would you be?" and i said neopolitan, because i have a classic vanilla side, a wild chocolate side, and a sweet strawberry side. He liked that answer too. haha So while he was trying to figure out another question to ask he was like, "okay, you know what, i've never done this before, but... you got the job." Awesome!! :) So orientation is on sunday at 9am and i'll get my schedule and go from there! YAY I finally got a job!!! So anyways, when i got out of the interview i called Kel and she told me her, Nat and Nat's b/f Graham (who's visiting from Canada), where going mini golfing and wanted me to come. So i got over there and it was a good time. Dunno who won tho. After that we went to Nat's for pizza. We were gonna bake one, but the power was out cuz someone ran into a power line pole... Yeah we saw the car on the way to her house, it was pretty bad. Like the car was off the road into the trees and was leaking fluid and looked pretty bad. So we had to order out. There was a mess up with the delivery the first time, so we had to call the redmond one and wait another 45 mins... yeah don't really want to get into that... So we finally got to eat and watched some of The Breakfast Club. Then we went to Heather's spot on the lake. Met up with Heath, Tate, and Kristin. They had a fire going and we made smores and talked. It was so pretty out last night. After that it was back to Nat's for a dip in the hot tub. That felt good. After that i went home, so it was pretty sweet day. :) Now just have a week of finals to look forward to and then SUMMER! The 16th is my last day. Can't wait! Aight Lata!