(no subject)

Aug 20, 2008 16:54

this training has been most difficult...on the plus side i only have five days of working left down here, then i'm off to florida for a week and come back home to my own cafe!! i cannot wait for that day. so here's a little low down..lynn marshall is the gm of the panera i'm training in and i am positive she is the biggest bitch i have EVER met..and trust me i've met some pretty bitchy people. and i'm also positive she does crack..she twitches and cannot stand still for the life of her..and yesterday she worked from 10 till about 5 then came back at 8:30ish to do inventory and was bouncing off the walls..the lady hasn't had a day off since i've been there and she has a 9 year old daughter so you know if she wasn't doing some form of drug to keep her going there is no way she would have that much energy..i was young but i did grow up in an environment filled with drugs and i believe i know what i'm talking about. if panera drug tested their employees she would be out of a job. so anyway..everyday i've worked she has yelled at me about something..and when she couldn't find anything wrong with the store she yelled at me about my attitude..she said that i was acting too nonchalant and if thats the pace i wanted to set for my employees fine but i needed to "kick it in!". then last night i was closing with a girl named heather and i don't know what i'm doing yet and she kept walking away. so every time i finished something..which these things take 2 minutes to do max..i'd have to go find her again...i hate this place and everything about it. the only good part about muncie is holly and i'm so jealous because she's going to elkhart tonight because she has an interview there tomorrow. if i didn't have to work or could get away with not working i would so be going up there with her. she did my hair today and it looks great, so now i'm going to have to drive down to muncie to get my hair did every time i need it cut. she also put highlights in my bangs but you can't really see them..i think they needed more time..but it was free so i'm not going to complain..she also invited me to her belly dancing class but i declined..not so much into dancing..she told me that downtown muncie has some really cute shops that i should check out..don't know if i'll do that either..i kinda just feel like sitting in my room all night watching whatever is on HBO cause i watched 2 really good movies this morning...ok i think i'm done now. if you pray and read this please say a little prayer for me cause i think i might loose my mind having to spend even one more day in that place. i'm actually very sad..and i miss my family like i never thought i could. i knew i would miss them..i just didn't know how much. well i'm off to walgreens for some bandaids cause i burned the shit out of my hand and it really hurts.
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