Feb 27, 2005 19:53
So we had a week off school and that was good. I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow either. We need a **snow day**. (or snow week works too)
Okay, So my week...Monday nite Della came over. We met up with Phil and his friend Arthur, yah that was intresting. We went to the mall, and then I think we went back to Phil's. Tuesday we layed around for a year and a half, then...I think..we went to Phil's until like 11, we finally got him to walk to Maybacks, I remember that. Wednesday I don't think we went out at all. Oh, She stayed home with my Dad while I had to go out to dinner with my Mom, yah...that was kinda different. On Thursday morning she took the bus to her house and I took it to St. Joe's for Stage Crew. Stage Crew was pretty much painting on primer. And then on Friday Ju had to give me a ride to stage crew. That was painting too, but actual paint. It was bad, I had to paint the insides of these crates, and then I had to crawl under the cart to paint that and it dripped all over me and then I was done, and I was about to get out from under the cart and I leaned back and my hair fell into the bucket of paint. It was bad, I freaked out and ran into the bathroom and stuck my head under the sink, haha. The paint, like, took something off my hair because it's all...I duno...stripped or something where it fell into the paint. Yah, so then Friday night I went to..JP Bullfeather's with my mom and Kathy. My mom almost got in a fight with some guys at the bar bc they were annoying her with fighting. Instead, she went and yelled at management...it was soooo pointless. Saturday, blah. And today (Sunday) it was the Mother Daughter Breakfast Thing...that was kinda, enh...yah, whatever. and I bought my Straylight Run CD. So, yah, that's about all I can think of.
*Heather <3
~Oh! and one more thing...No More annoymous commenters on my journal, so now you actually have to use a Username :)