
Feb 24, 2005 23:39

So I'm stealing another survey

1. Starting time: 11:41 pm..yah
2. Name: Heather
3. Nickname: mmm...I don't think I have any...
4. School: MSM
5. E mail: Friendsgotit@nyoudont.com
6. Eyes: Brown
7. Height: 5' 2"ish
8. Birthday: December 31st
9. Siblings: only child
10. Been so drunk you blacked out: hahaha
11. Taken any illegal substances: not really
12. Gone out in pajamas: yah, I did today actually...
13. Missed school because it was raining: Yeah, it was like...the second day of school...
14. Have you ever deleted number 15 on these survey things: I dun think so...
15. Had an imaginary friend: yah...I was an only child...I learned how to play games with him and everything...You begin to forget who's turn it is though...
16. Ever wanted to hook up with a friend: yah
17. Cried during a flick: Yes! But it wasn't because of the movie...
18. Ever thought an animated character was hot: No, that's just...wrong...on sooooo many levels
19. Ever owned a New Kids on the Block tape: haha yah
20. Planned your week based on the TV guide: nope
21. Prank called someone: yup
1. Shampoo: Garnier Fructis...er however you spell it
2. Soap: no favorite...just whatever's there I guess...
3. Color: Black and Pink
4. Day/Night: Night
5. Summer/Winter: Summer
6. Sport: Walking...Tennis...Running
7. Lace/Satin: Satin
8. Cartoon character: Bugs...they killed him though...
9. TV show: CSI (original, Las Vegas) and Without A Trace
10. Song: Too Many to list...
11. Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate...godiva, yay!
12. White/Chocolate milk: doesn't matter, it makes me sick...
13. Food: Fettuchine Alfredo has been really good lately
14. Movie: Moulin Rouge
15. Day of the year: Any Day I don't have to move...
16. Brand of clothes: ??? Comfy...yah...
17. Alcoholic Drink: Smirinoff's
18. Scary/Happy movies: scary
19. On the phone/In person: In Person
20. Love/Lust: Love
---------------------In The Past 2 Weeks---------------------
1. Cried: Yah
2. Cut your hair: Nope
3. Been mean: Yup
4. Been sarcastic: yah
5. Meet someone new: yah
6. Injured yourself: yah
7. Missed someone: yup
8. Hugged someone: ya
9. Kissed someone: ya
10. Fought with parents: mom - yah, always...
11. Wished upon a star: no
12. Laughed until you cried: ya
13. Played truth or dare: no
14. Watched a sunrise/sunset: ya
15. Went to the beach at night: no
16. Bought new clothes: no
17. Read a book for Fun: no
18. Ate a meal: ya
---------------------Do You Believe In---------------------
1. God/Devil: yah
2. Love: ya
3. The Closet Monster: no
4. The Big Bang Theory: ya
5. Heaven/Hell: ya
6. Superstitions: some of them
2. Likeing anyone? ya
3. Who have you known the longest of you friends: I duno anymore...
4. Who is the loudest: Ju-Ju
5. Who is the shyest: ??
6. Who do you go to for advice: Umm...No one really...Advice for me is far too bothersome lol
7. Who do you cry with: Meh, haha
8. Are you lonely: Right now? yah
9. Are you happy: Right now? - no
10. Are you talking to someone online? yup
12. When was the last time you showered: today...about 6 hours ago lol
13. What was the last sport you played: ummm...walking, yah...
14. What are you listening to right now: Ohio Is For Lovers - Hawthorne Heights
15. What was the last thing you said online: BrknDreamsGD (11:58:17 PM): I really am sorry...
16. What/Who is sitting right next to you: my dog walked by...
17. What is your computer desk made of: I duno...wood?
18. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number: 2038
19. What was the last thing you ate: Peanut Butter and Chocolate Girl scout cookies
20. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: I duno
21. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: I duno...
22. How many people on your buddy list: 59
23. How the weather right now: Cold...
24. Have you ever smoked pot: enh...
25. What did you do last night: I went on xbl, went on the computer, watched a lil bit of Monsters Inc. w/della, and slept...yah
26. How are you today: blah.
27. How do you eat an Oreo: No special way...
28. What is your dream car: One that works and that I can drive...
29. Have you ever won any special awards: yah...
30. What do you want to be when you grow up: psycology intrests me...
32. Fast or slow: fast
33. Are you too shy to ask someone out: yah
34. If you could change your name what would it be: Something so that I could have a nickname, haha...
35. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: mmm, haha
36. Ever been in love: :)
37. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: Breathed...no! Talked haha...wait, maybe it was tripping at megg's haha
38. First sons name: No idea
39. First daughters name: No idea
40. If you could change one thing about you what would it be: I duno...
41. End time: 12:05
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