Come one, come all! Come see the spectacle that is Kimberly the Forgotten!
A sad girl who you won't feel for as she slips from your minds.
When one forgets does that allow to begin anew? Perhaps when one forgets themselves. Does forgetting create an absense of the mind, or is it data overwritten?
I'm feeling forgotten today. Unnoticed and unsure. Today I got my nails done and I feel that in remembering or even considering to go out of my way and do something for myself, I have in turn allowed myself to be wiped under the radar of my company. Instead of doing everything or whatever anyone else wants, I went and got my nails done only to come back to a group of strangers.
If I'm not giving of myself and in the spotlight then I'm nobody. Not even spoken to or glanced upon or noticed.
I know this drama is all in my head but it doesn't stop the crying.
How can one feel so alone amongst the company others? Company makes the loneliness worse...
Something I've always wondered is why people go back to their ex's. If it didn't work out the first time then why should it the next? Is it an act of desperation or merely selective amnesia?
If you or they weren't good enough the first time around, what makes one think they're good enough now?
I always say to my friends to never go back, it ended for a reason.
Is it okay to forget the past voluntarily? Aren't you just doomed to repeat the same mistakes?
Or is it more like the flip of a coin, all because you flip one coin and get heads doesn't mean it rules out getting a tails the next flip.
If only it were that simple.
Refer to one of my favourite movies: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
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