i've joined 2 social groups at uni. the musical revue society, and the sci-fi fantasy comic club.
god i miss performing. i haven't done anything of the like since i dropped out of school. i miss singing, acting, and just being on stage. it's funny how i'm a shit public speaker yet i can 'perform' on stage in front of an audience. i suppose it's about being some one else, as public speaking judges me on my own work.
and sci-fi fantasy yay! i hadn't heard anything about it for 2 months so i freaked out and thought i gave them the wrong student number, then thought the guy just didn't like the look of me (aren't i geeky enough, or not pretty enough, blah blah), and then i finally got an email and we're having our first meeting on monday. woot. but maybe i'm not a big enough sci-fi or fantasy fan? i don't even read comics - save for ctrlaltdel, which is an online one nonetheless. i've never seen the original star wars flicks, only the 'new' ones, i don't even remember 2 or 3 though but i've been assured that i actually have seen them..? i've never seen star trek, but am looking forward to the new movie to give it a squiz. i don't even read books! but i sure do have an impressive collection of fantasy/space opera novels (my husbands, of course).
maybe i won't fit in.. but i LOVE stargate. and heroes. and stardust (the movie). and lord of the rings (movies). and farscape: the peacekeeper war (only farscape thing i've seen, unfortunately). and i like playing fantasy/adventure board games (i don't know if they're rpg though. maybe. i'd love to give it a go). and i like warhammer (minimal finances mean i don't really collect miniatures or henceforth play, but i play with other peoples armies, and i like to watch).
i like geeky things, but i don't really "get into" many things. therefore my lack of general 'fanaticism' may leave me outcast - not 'geeky' enough. but i LIKE it, i'm interested.
*sigh* my two real interests are 'new age-y' kind of stuff (not wicca or whatever, just astrology/numerology/tarot) and fantasy/sci-fi stuff.