I have good news and bad news. I’m still crazy about Jamie. I know. I know. I can’t help it. But luckily she wasn’t there. That would have been soul crushing.
I guess it started Friday night when Scott called. I had already been TGIFing with people from work and Scott and Mike were a little jetlagged. So we decided to get together Saturday night. My mission was to get some people together. Me? Are you high? Scott then mumbled something about picking Brian up at the airport at midnight. I thought that meant Saturday/Sunday so I wasn’t expecting to see him before the show.
Skip to Saturday when I make my calls. I know a lot of fuddy duddys and just plain losers. (Not really, it was short notice. I wasn’t expecting anything other than the party at the show.) Anyway, my good friend, Jen, was already going to be over there dropping her daughter off at the airport. We met at Burdines/Macy’s shoe department. Bad idea. I wasn’t wearing a club appropriate outfit. (She’s always trying to help me which is good but not always cheap.) I had to buy a new outfit and luckily they had some really good sales.
We were to meet the guys at the Wall Street Cantina. Sound familiar? When we got there it was packed and I couldn’t find them. Wandered around to One-Eyed Jacks and whatever other bar was connected. Finally called him and they were across the street at Tabu’s. Which is the dance club next door to the Social that drives Butch crazy during his piano and acoustic songs. Scott came over and we went to meet up with Mike. I still didn’t realize Brian was there. We get to the bar and I give Mike a birthday hug. (How adorable is he?) They had a weird friend, Jimmy, with them. Scott said something about Brian and pointed somewhere. I looked but didn’t see anyone. I thought “are you drunk already?” After I turned back to the bar, Brian walked up behind me. He said I looked familiar. (which is funny because I’ve seen all the other guys a lot more and they’ve never said that.) I told him we had met once briefly backstage at matchbox twenty. He didn’t really remember that. I don’t know if he didn’t remember that’s where we met or the matchbox show. Scott and Mike know how to party and set us up in the VIP section with a bottle of Ketel One and cranberry and orange juice. The guys kept mixing drinks with enough vodka to kill me. Jimmy hit on me. Why is it only the weirdos? He left after I shunned his advances. He didn’t come to the show either. I’m such a bitch. ;-) Scott and I were people watching when 3 very strange looking women came in. He said “what is up with that?” I said “they used to be guys.” He told Mike and Mike had to go mess with them. He’d come back and tell us what they said. It was pretty funny. Later Mike disappeared. Scott and Brian were leaving and said they would drive us to our cars. (if only we knew where that was.) I think Brian said “get in the car kids.” So I replied “my two dads!” I’m the only one who thought that was funny. Getting to the cars was a whole other adventure. I still don’t know why Brian wasn’t driving. He’s the one who knew where he was going.
Sunday I woke up with a killer headache. Shit. I was in bed until at least 3. I finally got my shit together when Jen called to thank me and tell me a couple things Brian had said to her. She was still leaving for Indiana it was just a lot later in the day. Everyone tried to convince her to come to the show but she had a long road ahead. So needless to say I was late in meeting Kelly and Suzie. I was still unsure about the Spongebob party hats so I left them in the car. Met up with Kelly, Suzie and her dad at the Cantina. I should have eaten. a. to waste time and b. for the nourishment. But we decided we should get the posters up. I called Dennis and he let us in. He was pretty cranky. I thought he was going to be nicer. As he walked away, he yelled he didn’t have tape for us. I said that’s ok. I had my own tape. Eek. I see Jamie. We proceed to start hanging up posters. Our first one is on the paint. I didn’t realize that was a hanging offense. No posters on painted surfaces. No stickers inside the club. Good lord. We could tell the guy wanted to throw us out asap. We tried to waste as much time as we could. We saw Jamie at the merch table loading up. I asked him if he was doing his Christmas shopping. DORK! I’m such a dork. It’s better just to be quiet. The guy was eyeballing us again. It was inevitable that we would be thrown out momentarily. I asked Craig if I could get a sweatshirt now. He thought I was joking until I said “I’m a native. I’m freezing.” It totally helped even though I’d have 2 sweatshirts around my waist during the show. Inevitably, we were “asked” to wait outside. I saw Paul with Keep, Dave’s crap-ass band. They are alright as people but suck as a band. They think they are the shit. And their singer totally bad mouthed Stacy after the MB20 show. Dick. He’s the one who’s ruined the Calling’s “Wherever You Will Go” for me. Mike says they are never going anywhere. Sorry tangent but it sucks they got to stay. But if we hadn’t been thrown out, I wouldn’t have been able to pick up the party hats. Suzie needed to go the car so her dad (who is very cool himself) held our place. She gave me her extra tour button that she made. (Thanks! It’s so cool.) Then we decided to get the Spongebob hats out of my car. We ended walking by the bus a couple times looking for a short cut. If anyone could see us, they must’ve thought wtf. So back in line, I’m freezing and Kelly is in a t-shirt. Crazy northerner. We see Scott and his crew walk by to meet the guys for dinner (sushi apparently) and Scott tells us he’s going to film the show. Yay! I must get one. Once inside we get a spot up front. I mark my territory and dash off to the restroom. I noticed some of the posters were already gone. Go team! Then Suzie and I load up on merch.
Val and Rescue Effort come out and rock per usual. He moved. The first photo of the night is Val’s butt. Nice. I took his feet too because he looked so sweet and vulnerable.
Surfer Rosa is played between Val and Hi-Fi. I love that album but I was hoping they wouldn’t wait for the end to come out and start playing. My feet hurt and I’m getting really hot and I have 2 sweatshirts around my waist. After the guys come out, I feel much better. But first I must know what happened to this amp Drew. So I blind some guy with my flash.
And Stacy has 2 8-tracks on his pedal board (Journey and Cheap Trick.) I make Suzie take a picture of it. I meant to ask him about that.
This would be a great shot of that guy if Stacy wasn’t in the background.
I call this Jamie’s mouth. Whoa.
I don’t know what’s so interesting over there.
Yeah so I still tried to take a million pics of Jamie anyway. I was having some trouble.
And yeah this was on purpose.
Brian outtakes. I love that guy. He’s so awesome.
Stacy and a beverage. We laugh at each other.
The best photo of the night.
I forgot that when Butch came out to play piano, he led Happy Birthday to Stacy. Then Stacy said it was also Craig’s birthday and people should buy him drinks and stuff.
Butch and I are wearing the same shoes! After a few Butch songs, I feel lightheaded (no food and it’s really hot) and don’t really want to pass out in front of the stage. So I head over to the side bar to get a soda. I sit for awhile then the guys come off stage while Butch does his piano tunes. I move to the landing to see but Val and the guys are yapping in front of me and it’s hard to hear. I hear Butch start Happy Xmas and I dash off to get closer. So many people I couldn’t really find a good spot to actually see much of anything. :-(
After the show I meet up with Kel and Suzie again. We get beverages at the side bar and wait for a
chance to talk to the guys.
Stacy comes over. We wish him a happy birthday and if it wasn’t for Kelly and Suzie I would have totally chickened on the hat thing. I just said “I brought you a party hat.” And handed it to him. I couldn’t believe he put it on right away and left it on until the string broke and then some girl took it. What a nice goofball.
After he moves on Jamie comes over and talks to Kelly. There is a lull in the conversation and Jamie gets out his phone and makes a call. I thought that’s rude, we are still talking. Turns out he was calling Val to give him a hard time. I won’t say why. So he’s forgiven. Haha. As if I could stay upset with that guy. Eventually, I get my picture with everyone but Sutter. Thanks Kelly.
This is supposed to be Jamie wearing the party hat too but I screwed it up with the ol’ red eye reducer double flash.
Drew was also in a better mood then when I saw him in August. He and Brian were talking about restaurants. Mike jokingly got in the picture with us at first then said he was actually afraid of his picture being all over the internet. So I had to take one of him that of course didn’t come out and I blinded Brian in the process.
And since my Butch pic wouldn’t load to myspace.
I also seemed determined to lose my new “Geeks” shirt. I dropped it so many times. Later talking with Stacy again we find out what the Disciples of Judra is all about and learn a new term “homey bro-out.” We are asked to leave the club by a bouncer type guy. Stacy makes me promise to be sure that Kelly gets to her hotel safe. Which I actually did because I was at a red light when she crossed the street into the hotel parking lot almost walking into a parked car. *wink*
What an amazing weekend. I met some cool people and one weirdo but had such a fun time. There is talk about meeting at the NYC show but I’m afraid the money won’t be there. However it would be better to be alone in NYC on Valentine’s Day than alone here on Valentine’s Day.
Here’s the link to my other photos just in case.