Title: Gossip Character(s): Evan Rosier, Wilkes Prompt: supernova Rating: G Word count: 715 Author's notes: Very slight allusion to Evan/Emmeline. Mostly based off the sudden revelation that guys gossip more than I ever thought they did.
of course guys gossip! Mostly about sex, but girls do that too. Anyway, this was funny. I loved "One date does not equal dating unless your name is Potter and thankfully, mine is not." I'm really starting to like Evan just for the fact that I pity him because he's a death eater because that's all he learned from his father.
Yeah, I had no idea about that. The other day, my guy friend turns to me and he's like "I hear you and ___ are going to prom" and I was like 'what the hell? I never told you that.'
Oh, I love Evan. He's one of my favorite characters even though he's mentioned like twice.
I need to get a better icon, sue me. ^_^ This is Gerleen form the RPG by the way. I was bored and i was looking through the old Chat boards and found the link to your LJ, so...
-gigglesmirks- I love this fic. I've got to read others.
Mark: I don't act that persistent.
me: You'd best start, you're not doing such a good job on being a friend.
Comments 4
Anyway, this was funny. I loved "One date does not equal dating unless your name is Potter and thankfully, mine is not."
I'm really starting to like Evan just for the fact that I pity him because he's a death eater because that's all he learned from his father.
Oh, I love Evan. He's one of my favorite characters even though he's mentioned like twice.
Thank again! -hugglesloves-
-gigglesmirks- I love this fic. I've got to read others.
Mark: I don't act that persistent.
me: You'd best start, you're not doing such a good job on being a friend.
Mark: Bite me for being ignored.
me: Don't get me started fool.
I'm going to friend you because... I can.
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