I have so many projects.
My sewing project, like all of my sewing projects, is EXTREMELY SIMPLE and yet progresses depressingly slowly. My first stage, which i am still on, it copying the pattern for my coworker, who i think is really super cute. Curly red hair, freckles, and a surly attitude, people! Hot damn. And then, i actually make the thing twice, one out of a nice halloween print i bought a million billion years ago, and one out of Disney's Fairies fabric. Just when you think you're free of disney, they realize that they could exploit tinkerbell SO MUCH MORE and reach all the people who love fairies but are unimpressed be Tink herself. Tomboy artist fairy? You have my complete attention/wallet.
Other building project, some people know what it is. It's been more of a project than i thought, but is shaping up just like my drawings, which is a wonderful feeling. i LOVE TO BUILD SHIT!!
Edging towards my yearly gardening project. Spring bulbs just don't come up fast enough for me. I semi-dumpstered a very nice, intact aquarium in hopes of making an aquatic garden, bt when i looked the necessary requirements in the face, i realized such a hobby is not for inattentive me. So instead it will be a terrarium, after i use it to start all my seeds for this season. Huzzah. That is not even started yet, though i have finally assembled all of the materials. Now I just need to find all the ones i lost during the waiting. Particularly my heirloom yellow cherry tomato seeds! they were all eco friendly and oh-so-tasty looking! *whine*