Day 43: the Nose.

Feb 07, 2008 21:14

So, kasha was recovering from his cold-thing, and i thought i had snuck by it successfully. No such luck; i am sick again. Or, to be more accurate, *more* sick, with something *different*. It really says something about the state of your lungs when you find yourself stopping, and saying "y'know, THAT cough felt different. I think i'm sick."

Fuck this motherfucking cough. Soon, i can afford to both pay my doctor, AND buy the medicine that she prescribes. On that glorious day i will pitch a fit about my 2? 3? earlier appointments failing to yield curative results, and my prescribed items failing to be both expensive and functional at the same time. I like her, i really do. She just has a casual attitude about a cough that has reached month 5. and NOW it's supercough. Anyhow. I hope this cold actually goes away.

I wonder if i even HAVE an immune system anymore. Used to be i was actually immune-ish to stuff. now i know, it doesn't matter if Jesus gave me God's Own immunity tablets, i WILL be getting sick.

We are trying to clean up for the party, and nothing makes this easy. I could usually power through it and get everythign respectable by friday, but i have a killer headache, i keep convulsing with coughs, and running around learning a new job is kind of wearing me out. I even work on saturday. I don't know how any of this shit is getting done. Theoretically, the boys could do it, but they could also theoretically put on a three-man Broadway show. I'm just sayin'.

As much joy as sending home cute cats and dogs to loving people brings me, it can still be crashed down by a single instance of turning away named, loved pets to Animal Control. I mean, I can't take the cats, we can't take the cats, they can't take the cats, i doubt if there's enough responsible adults in the world to take care of all the cats that there are. But it's heartbreaking. Even though i know if they face euthenasia (which they might have even faced here), vets go into their work because they care for animals and the pets will be treated kindly and humanely. It's not like you can let them go to starve, be killed by predators, tormented by people, add to the feral cat problem and further decrease our native songbird population. That's no solution.

I'm mostly sad that the bargain of pet ownership and all the trust and care that it represents could not have been upheld to such deserving little pets. It's an ideal that i just can't shake, and i just can't compute raising an animal without the means, environment and experience for fend for itself (i.e. as a pet) and not ensuring it's care for the rest of it's life, which you just acquired control over. If you own a living creature, it's health and happiness is the measure by which you are respectable or full of FAIL.

But we can't enforce the ideal, we can only mitigate the consequences. Knowing i stand in the middle of the best chance that homeless pets have for a happy life in an imperfect world helps me to cowboy up and make sure that nervous Missy isn't placed in a home with small children, and that psychotic or simply irresponsible people don't break any more promises to hapless pets.
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