Jan 28, 2002 20:10
We all make mistakes, and fuck up in our life, all of use do, and we all say and do things we wish we didn't do later on in life.When you realize you have made a mistake, and end up regretting you don't alwasy learn from the mistakes, it possible to learn though, but for me I usally don't learn when i regret something. When you take in your mistakes, and learn from them, you can become a better person, and not get hurt along the way. People do matter in this world, but then so does everything. what one values is different than what another values, and sometimes that is what changes us as poeple in the long run. Life is lived with dreams, hopes, desires, need, and everything else that makes us who we are. I say why take that awya from someone, why take away what makes them speical to this world. Well, back to what I was saying, I have learn what i did that was wrong in my life, I still am learning and always will be. "Part of being perfect is being imperfect". Kristen told me that today. I agree with her on that. When in the long run, I have fuck up, yeai know that I have, I told lies, let people believe lies, jaded sides of an arguement, Push people when I knew they would get upset, didn't respect there own life, and so much more. I have been wrong for a lot of what I have done, but not only that, I have been wrong for not being myself, and being true to myself. What else do we need in this world, but our own self to everything. It our own respect and our love with our self that we must have before, we show others. Repsect yourself, adn who you are then you can respect others. Sometimes, silent respect is the best respect you can give someone. And when also you keep pushing at something and pushing and instead of leavuing something alone, then it just amkes matter worse. It like wehn your out of breath, don't try to keep running, stop get your breath back and then keep on running. That just a way to look at it. But I am guilty of a lot, and no matter what, I may and can apologize all I want, but it doesn't matter one bit if I don't learn from my mistakes. Sometimes it is best, instead on putting more fuel on the fire, to letr the fire burn out. The part of the live and let live type of deal. There never enough words, to say how bad you feel when you realize how bad you fuck up, but keep in mind that you fuck up, others fuck up, and we all fuck up. Not one person is 100% guilty in anything in life. Best sometimes to listen than speak. When the times comes, if you did learn from everything in your life, then you can get what you want in life. What you need, as long as you learn from the past and the past experiences what no to do. You are your own worse enemy, no one else is. If it hurts that bad, stop caring, but that is easier said than done. Like if someone die in your life, you can't stop caring bout the lost of that person, but the second you comes to grip with it, you can start to learn to deal with it. Don't become overwhelm, and lose sight of what you need and want in life, don't let other, me your friends, or family hold you back from yourself. Everyone deserve a chance in the world and in life, don't let anyone tell you different, don't let anyone stop you, don't let anyone ruin your life, because it is the most importent thing you have, is yourself.