Mar 21, 2002 01:01
The night sky is so beautiful right now, and the rain is so calming. I just want to know if all this, and everything that happens works out in the end. This is open eyes, but afraid to look. Scared I guess, but fear is only as bad as what you can base it on, or know of it. No more tears................ That all I can hope for.
Your own inner struggle can define what you. Don't let the world hold you back, and don't fall into a another image because you need and fear being alone. What is that meaning of realistic view points, how can you defead yourself when you aren't yourself? Looking, dreaming, believeing, that all has meaning, but knowing it the same for everyone, will that stop intention of others or bring bout a more formal knowledge of yourself? It just know that all you do is hold onto what you hope and dream for, becuse what is life with out hope or dreams. Making goals, and wanting to achieve them. People can't wonder around endlessly with no dreams. there got to be something inside each and every single one of us that keeps us going, and when that breaks we fall. We become others, be lose ourself in something were not, and make mistakes. Hold onto what you care for, then let it go, because when you want something it won't ever be there, but when you really need it, it come back to you in one form or antoher. Don't fade away, or slip away, live and hope and keep on moving, becuase when it all said done, we are left alone, but were the only ones that can pull us back up. no one else can help you, but yourself. even if someone else does help you, it is because you open yourself up to that person and let them help you, saying that it is still you that help you but leting others help you. Everyone deserve something, just don't ever give up hope, just wait and keep on going, and don't pass up your chance, take it when it there, and if you miss it don't regret be thankful for it. It all part of understanding we are who we are becuase of everything that has happen to us. Each and every little thing and has help create us, and no one can take that away, but only add to it.