Jun 08, 2007 19:32
hello again my son was born the 31st of march...a premie but he was a healthy baby...styaed in the NICU for five days so that they could make sure that he was truly healthy..anyways..my son is now over 2 months old and he is doing great..more alert and likes to look at his surroundings when hes reallie awake..and he smiles at me just before he goes to sleep...um..what else..im in north carolina right now staying with my mom..cant believe the time has gone by so quickly..by the time we see tu again the baby will be crawling almost ^_^..anyways nothing new to post still waiting on the CPS investigation because a few weeks ago i took a spill on the stairs and the baby was in my arms and he hit his head and we went to the hospital and they called CPS..still waiting for their verdict hopefully itll come soon anyways..ill post more later byez