"..ive been watching you from afar...ive been trying to be where you are..."

Nov 06, 2005 09:28

i have a problem....i cant sleep later than 9am. screw you 8 am classes.

my roommate went away for the weekend. its been really relaxing and im extremely glad i did not go with them to kentucky. i have had way too much fun with all this time to myself. i forgot how it feels to be alone and not have to worry about waking someone up or relying on them to go do things. im not saying things are stressful when shes around but im just saying it was incredibly nice to have some alone time.

i saw jarhead fri night. the theater was so packed we each had to sit in separate corners. it was weird.

i met new people.

i worked in the theatre for 3 hours and got more than half of my service hours in there done.

i went to the quad for 2 hours and read.

i cleaned the room. its so clean!

i did all my errands.

i explored the sciencenter with some people. we stared at the huge pendulum for like 20 minutes.

i had girl talk and got to know some girls better. (for most of the time here, ive hung out with guys...i need girls that are friends)

i just feel really accomplished. again im glad i didnt have to drive 5 hours to kentucky.

...and i got to spend a lot of time with my Creator. which was the best thing i did all weekend.
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