So I get to go back to school in the fall. I need to contact OU and
make sure all of my shit can get transferred. If I owe them any monies,
I'll get that all sorted out, too. Man I never though I would be so
excited to go back. I've decided to go to Ohio State, and I really
didn't think about anywhere else. I know that it will be uber lame at
times, but I'm prepared for that. My dad has set up a meeting for me
and an advisor at the Varsity Club through some prestigious alumnus. I
don't know what I am going to major in yet, but I think I'm going to
minor in French or Political Science, as I have a crapload of those
credits, and I really enjoy the classes. I may even end up majoring in
poli sci, and not just 'cause
zkillah is cool and I
want to be like her. I'm pretty much planning on majoring in whatever I
am closest to, so I can get the fuck out of school. As excited as I am
to go back, I'm twice as excited to get the fuck out. I still want to
end up doing video production somewhere, so I'll have to do a lot of
outside work to get there. I know it will take up a lot of my time, but
at least I'll stay out of trouble (teehee). I've already got an
internship waiting on me at a local news station, which is totally
sweet. I'm planning on taking that when I'm almost graduated, so I can
be like "hey I'm out of school! gimme a job, bitches!"*
I'm hungry.
*approxiamate text only. I wouldn't say 'gimme.'