Sep 16, 2005 21:10
WoW talk about a long time!
So school has started and its going really well. The odd thing is i havnt really learned a lot in my classes, but i have already learned soooo much about my self and about other people. Its so early into the year but still im learnign a lot. Even though some of the things im learnign about peopel i dont like, and somethigns have happened with some friends im trying to stay positive. it is only the begginign of the year. I was thinking about how much stuff i have to look forward to this year: Pom season, guy girl poms, Homecomming, football games, basketball games, saties hawkins, presidency, getting my act's over with, hangin out with friends... and prolly a shitloard more that i forgot to add.
ooo BOY... this is gonna be a great year!