Aug 16, 2004 19:04
today was anotherrr monday. blah. lol monday seem soo long.. but today was actually a pretty good day. UGH except for spanish 4. skldgjfdakl;gjdfgkl;fjdag ok seriously the student teacher and teacher.. are such FREAKSSS. oomg i was trying to tell my teacher that i left my homework at home.. and i really did finish it... and so im like.. i did my homework... and she starts flipping out and shes like "NO INGLES NO INGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " and im like trying to talk to her and she keeps screamig at me and my class is like cracking up. but ya my day got better from there..
i went to lunch with cindy trina and sarah! :) that was really fun! we went to mcdonalds.. yummm :)
after school i went home with carly.. lol and i was like getting a snack and her dad is like.. hey girls do u wanna go to the cheesecake factorY? lol and were like yeahh!! lol so we went there.. and ate like 5688349 loaves of bread, and we got a piece of OREO cheesecake! haha it sounds kinda weird.. but it was really good!! :D and thennn we went back to her house... HAHHA OMG carly were seriously the weirdest ppl ever.. lol i love you.
then i went to the mal with ali! :) lol and now im back at home ..being bored :(
im writing to much lol so im gonna go.. <3
hmm definitly a possibility :)