Feb 01, 2004 00:32
My whole morning was ok but pretty much boring, the interesting stuff didn't happen until I went out later on with Nicole P(my best friend/like my sister). We had so much fun.LOL!Which you will eventually hear about if you keep reading on. I got up this morning, got dressed to go get blood work,then got blood work. Which I have to say didn't hurt this time for once. Then I went to Wal-mart. That's like the most awesome store in the world. I love that store. I could never leave that store without buying anything. Between my mom, my sister, and me we spent over $100. That's only because when we don't go to Wal-mart for a long time, we tend to buy/ spend a lot the next time we go. Probably because with think we need the stuff we get but don't. By the time we got home I had to get ready for church. Then I went to church, came home. Came online talked to Jen and Nicole S. and Nicole V. for a little before I had to go eat dinner.Thinking that I would be stuck home again tonight I came online, guess who IMs me my best friend Nciole P. As you can tell by now I have like 3 friends that are named Nicole. It's funny when we all hang out and when you say "NICOLE"and they all look at you.LOL!Well anyway she says you have good timing I was just gonna call you to see I you wanted to do something. I was like sure what do you want to do. We decided to go to the movie but by the time we got there it was to late and we couldn't wait for the next show b/c it would be to late since she only has a junior lincense. So we went to go play pool at Guys and Dolls. Which was fun. Nicole was getting ready to shoot and she looks over she says "Ok there's an ass there" I just started to laugh. Nicole knows what I was thinking tho. LOL.But it wasn't all fun when her exboyfriend Andrew showed up with another girl after they just brokeup not even a week ago. What a weirdo. Nicole trust me I know there's someone out there who better than him even if he was close to perfect to you. Then we drove around almost went to Nanticoke but turned around not on purpose either. We drove around talking and looked at some houses that are in Wilkes -Barre, yes Wilkes-Barre, that were huge and very pretty. LOL. I don't even remember that last time I really talked to Nicole about everything and what's going on and listened to what's going on with her.I'm glad we got to hang out tonight.It's not like we didn't talk or hung out it's just that we were very busy having our own lives. I mean we have totally different friends. Not saying that I can't hang out with her when she hangs out with her frineds and is goes the same way for the other way around. I come home from having an actually descent/fun time and her that my other two best friends Nicole S. and Nicole V. were fighting. They haven't fought in a while. Which was really good. I don't know what to think anymore with them. I just think this is going to be it. Their friendship is gonna end. I as usually kinda get stuck in the middle. I think I just get stuck in the middle only b/c i want to make everything like it was. Everyone not mad at each other. I mean according to them they had such a good friendship before this school year began. Which I believe. I just don't see how you can though such a good friendship away. I wish they could just work everything out but maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm just being over idealistic.That I'm trying to live in a perfect world or something. I also don't want them not to talk to me or no to aks what I think or what I think about it. So I hope if if they read this that they don't think they are putting me in the middle and won't ask me for advice or what I think. I wanna be there for them so they have someone to talk to about what's going on.So I don't think I mind being put in the middle only if they it becomes weird I think I will tho. Which I hop eit doesn't come down to that. So I hope everything works out. It's getting late so I'm going to bed. Night.