Fuck you.....!!!

Apr 01, 2006 12:58

I can't stand being at school anymore..

There is so much drama, that i am not even asked to be brought into.. and i somehow always am!

I am sick of people acting fake around me. If you dont like me, cool. I dont fucking care. but when i have did nothing to you and you dont like me for some reason... dont try and be nice to me around my face and then talk shit about me behind my back *cough* Jamie *cough*

I don't do anything to people.. i even try avoiding them when they dont like me. But you know what i find funny is that they have nothing better to do than talk shit about me. Way to have a life.... I try to me nice, and that still isnt good enough.

I am to the point where i am tired of being nice to people.
When they call me...


You know high school is "supposed" to be the best 4 years of your life. But my years in high school have sucked. Thanks to people and all of their fucking drama! I hope you feel good about yourself... knowing that you have made peoples lives a living hell. And i am not talking about a certain person, i am talking about people in general throughtout high school.

You know i have about 27 days left in school ever... and people say "oh senior year is the best year ever" but NOPE not for me. It was my worst year ever. and it sucks because i can never get that back for the rest of my life. THANKS!

All I am saying is if people keep talking shit... I am not gonna be nice anymore. and if you think i am a bitch now.. just wait and see, you have NO IDEA!

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