Jan 16, 2006 19:07
Wow. What a start to the school year, that's all I can say really.
I must say though, that thank goodness there's been twice as many good times already as there has been bad (no matter how bad they were). I know the bad times aren't over yet, but I have faith because I know the good times aren't over yet either.
After reading the Five Languages of Love over break, I realized that mine was quality time. I have to say, that this weekend, I definitely fulfilled that and that made such a huge difference to me! I spent the whole weekend with some of my best friends at the Haiti dinner/retreat/mass/dinner and boy was it time well spent. I spent the nights with my roomies (one sick!) but it was fun. We talked (and signed) and it couldn't have been time better spent. Today, I spent the morning at the Newman Center bagging cookies. It was a simple task, but I enjoyed it so much. I wish every weekend could be spent among friends (instead of homework or obligations).
It was even the little times this weekend that really made it all worthwhile. The conversation with Kyle online, the conversation with Phil at the NC, the time spent with Sarah at IHOP or Jackie at Puerta's. The time walking with Angela around campus and the ghetto dance party with Gina and Sarah.
So here's to you all, who bring a smile to my face...yes, that includes each and every one of you reading this. I am making a goal to spend more time with my friends this semester because that's when I'm happiest.
Not a bad idea Jackie (as recalled from a recent late-night, slightly (!) drunken phone call) - I should make time for Jackie. As I should for each and every other of my friends.