Sep 14, 2005 00:08
Ok, so a lot of you having been wondering about me from the away messages that I've been leaving, so I thought I'd update to inform you.
Lately (since school started), life's been stressful. I'm used to stress, I welcome it, it adds pizazz to my life. However, sometimes enough is enough. Today was one of those days.
This week is sorority recruitment week. It's a lot of fun, but at the same time incredibly stressful. We have to be at the suite from 8-midnight every night, not to mention the preparation for the events and such.
On top of that, my car decided to poop out on me. Why now??? Ironically, just the other night my mom called to ask about the car. I was like, yeah, it's running great, no problems. Wrong. Last night on the way to practice, it started bucking like crazy and when I had to stop it almost killed. I was like, hmmm, this is odd. Then the check engine light went on and didn't go off. Fun times. So, I had to take it in this morning. So I am without car and living off campus. Thank goodness for the MITS bus, but I hate having to rely on waiting for it and planning ahead so I'm at places on time.
Then today, I started getting cramps and I didn't have my medication with me. I NEVER forget it...somehow I did though and boy did I regret it. I was practically keeled over in pain and still had to wait for the bus. Fun times. I feel sorry for anyone that crossed my path...I looked horrible and probably looked like I was gonna kill someone.
On top of that, my wisdom teeth are coming in and my mouth is swollen. I feel like I have mothballs in it and it hurts like hell. So not only am I keeled over in stomach pain by my mouth is throbbing. I felt like I was gonna die. So I just come back to my apartment and cry. It sucked. Luckily though I had managed to take a 20 minute nap and all was right with the world when I woke up. Well, at least I wasn't in stomach pain anymore.
I love that feeling when you first come to consciousness when you forget that you have obligations or pain or whatever. It's so freeing. Then you are like, oh yeah, my alarm's going off, I have to do this that and the other.
Oh well, speaking of this and that, I won't get much sleep tonight either because I have an 8 a.m. and have to finish some stuff. Grrr.