Dec 23, 2008 02:39
A lot has changed since I've last posted here on LJ. I'm not living in the USA anymore, I'm finally single for the first time in what seems forever (enjoying every moment of it), and the USA finally has elected a competent president **Golfers Clap**. I know that there is more I could add to this, but really I don't feel like making this post a list of things that have changed in the world and my life since my last posting.
I might start this whole LJ thing back up again, but if I do I will most likely change my account name. I'm kind of partial on the whole blog thing. On one hand I enjoy writing down my thoughts and what not, but on the other hand why the fuck should I share them with people that don't fucking care? They can talk to me on Skype or any other instant messager if they wanted to know how I've been. Well I don't know why or how this turned into a rant. I'm going to stop.
Happy Chanukah Bitches!