Thoughts after the "10menstripperpokerfest_featuringDDSandWally_withatwist" event.

Jan 12, 2007 03:07

It's not easy not being too career-driven, being so flexible for whatever comes my way, and cheering my friends on as they draw closer to their dreams while i continue to wander through life.

It's not easy being so fickle, and naive enough to believe in love at first sight, and that chemistry is everything. But it was so much fun while it lasted, and caused so much pain at times, but it's always a surprise around the bend. It always is.

Hey, i didn't call myself "Hachi" for nothing. i was "dreamy & hopeful" in Toronto, but soon i'll be dreamy and hopeful in Windsor and Detroit this weekend :) Despite the psycho stalker girl those two awfully slow/dumb boys have unleashed on us, i can't hardly wait!
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