Jun 05, 2008 15:32
So it's 2 weeks from tomorrow that everyone I know will be heading down to Oak Ridge, Tenn for the event called Secret City. WWII event that I adore as well as the people that participate as reenactors.
Anyway, to save from babling, every year I like to try to do something for the guys that is totally unexpected (ie. ditty bags last year and this year) and this year I'm seeing about trying to put together a mail call.
What's this you may ask? At some events the people in charge or a willing person gets a bunch of friends/family to write letters in the 1940s style for the guys to receive sometime during the day when at camp. These letters can range from Dear Johns, well wishes from family/friends, something from a local school kid writing to a soldier, tax collection notices, deaths, junk mail, anything. They can be comical, they can be warm and fuzzy, or they can be sad. That's the beauty of writing these things. These also don't have to be addressed with name's. I can easily go back and fill all that information in when the time comes.
So the reason I'm posting this here is to see who might be willing to write some letters for me? There's going to be 40 people there total and I can have as many as y'all want to write. Ages range from men with kids down to college students.
The setting for the event is going to be D-day +3 or +4 (meaning 3 or 4 days after the landings). If you want to help please keep in mind the events happing before June 6th, 1944 in the World and American news. The guys these letters would go to are paratroopers of the 501st within the 101st Airborne Division.
If you are interested please post here! I'll pm you with my email address OR you can post responses here.
Thanks guys!!