I started a new place to sell goods, whether New Age, Occult, Pagan, Wiccan, Druid, Vampiric, Gothic, or even Medieval/Renaissance. With being the creator & manager, I ask that you only post sales 2x a week. Once between Friday - Sunday, and once between Monday - Thursday. Also, trading and swapping are allowed, but please be careful who you decide to swap with.
My other concern is no huge images. Either do a cut on the listing, or have it at a journal that is not friend's only. One to two small images are ok, but please keep them minimal and to the point. If you're selling scented oils, one to two small pictures of either all of them, small groups of them, or a couple individual shots are fine. If you want more detail do it in your LJ sale listing.
The new shop is
Marketplace of Magick 72.
Part of the reason for creating this, is because there are very few places to post sales for Conjure Oils. I know more people are getting into them, but most communities are BPAL only. So I hope people will start checking the community out and using it.
Currently I have my Conjure Oils sale up, and I plan on posting another item for sale there. So please come on by. The link is above. Thank you for looking!
Amy (sweetabsinthe6/dark_roses69)