
Apr 18, 2010 15:58

So, Charley stepped on something on our walk this morning.  Not sure what, but he is really favouring his left hind leg.  He wasn't even interesting in playing with Miley today - just sitting and hanging out with the people.  I guess I'll make an appointment with the vet for tomorrow and see what they have to say.  He must be feeling pretty bad because he has spent most of the day asleep or laying down - which he normally never does.

Had an interesting conversation with the neighbours yesterday - about Charley in part.  They really aren't overly fond of dogs - especially pit bulls.  It makes me worry a bit, but there isn't a lot that I can do about it.  I'll be glad to get the fence in and have a more secure yard for Charley - as well as the additional privacy.   I think I the biggest issue that I have with them is that they seem to think I'm not very bright - yes, I am aware that I have to pay to finish the fence - yes, I did check out the condo association bylaws and the county bylaws before I got Charley.  I know what is allowed and what isn't - and everything that doesn't meet the condo board guidelines was done by the previous owner, and I'm doing everything that I can to get the yard back to normal and to the guidelines.  I guess I don't really have to spend any time with them and at least I don't share a wall with them.  Small favours, I guess.
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