Jun 14, 2011 20:25
The movers showed up on Saturday, we expected them on Monday. We weren't ready, oh well. Our stuff is now packed and on a truck to TN, at least, I hope it is. We're now staying with friends for a week, and holy crap graduation is on Saturday! Then Mike leaves on 6/20. I leave on 6/23. Good times! I have to do a small (and stupid) presentation tomorrow, and then I present my research project on Thursday, and then I'm pretty much done with all my requirements. I should probably start tomorrow's presentation.
Mike put Mandle the rabbit to sleep today. She was very old, paralyzed, and lately has seemed to be in pain. Mike has taken such good care of her, but it's time. Moving her to Nashville just wouldn't have been fair. It's a been a bad year to be our pet.
My TN medical license has been a royal pain. I still don't have a license. No license means not allowed to work and that means no income. Also, it means I can't take my board exam. Expect many, many, many phone calls to the TN medical board until I get my freakin' license.
We moved into our friends' house yesterday. Lily discovered stairs. Today, she found her way to the top of the stairs all on her own. I'm so not ready.