Apr 02, 2007 21:42
Well I am officially excited.. I feel like I am starting to take the pospects of making a music career more seriously. I went out and bought a couple of books from Chapters.. They are on piano, and another one on writing songs. I am hoping that it will help me to hone some of the writing skills I have for poetry into writing lyrics. I feel like I am taking steps towards my dreams. There is still so much more that I want to do, one of them being to get my liscense back. I am hoping to get into the doctor and get him to write a letter to the DMV.. So I can go and get it back. Then I want to buy a car *smiles* I can not wait. I have to say that I owe Tyler a huge thank you in all of this. He really helps me out alot he really helps me to believe in myself and my abilities. It is nice to have someone stand behind you and tell you that your dreams can come true and they will try and help make it possible. I also need to thank all of you my friends who I know have supported me in everything. I really appriciate it and I feel that I do not get to express it enough. I just hope that I can support you in the dreams that you have. I am just super excited because I feel like I am getting my life back again.
In other news for those of you who were praying for Krista's Grandmother there is good news.. They did a bone marrow scan on her again last week and it came back clean..They have to do another one but we are still praying. God is in the business of miricales.. Lets all keep believing.
I was wondering if anyone out there is any good with websites.. and stuff like that. I know that I am not.. So I am asking for some people's help . If you would be interseted can you please let me know..i Have a project I would like to see happen. I need lots of help for it though.
Well that is all from here. I need to head to bed. 5 Am comes to early.