(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 18:26

Welp t0day has been an alright day f0r me*
I w0ke up t0day at 1 cuz my dad was beating 0n the d00r 0nce again l0l*
After he left Tasha and April came d0wn for a lil bit then we went t0 Tasha's h0use*
I went ahead and 0rdered my m0ms bday cake fr0m DQ*
L0l I hope she gets that day 0ff bc if n0t we're g0ing to be screwed*
I am paying f0r the cake and April is buying her gift fr0m all 0f us*
If she d0es have t0 w0rk we'll pr0bably take her stuff t0 her while she is w0rking bc we are that c00l l0l*
Hmmm we all came back d0wn here f0r a lil while and I was s0 sleepy s0 I went t0 sleep at 4 and w0ke up at 6 *
Tasha and april are supp0se t0 be staying the night t0night s0 w00h00 l0l*
Welp I guess thats it f0r n0w*
Leave me s0me l0ve
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